How to bring alive a very old trailer home on the outside?

by Leslie

I'm looking to sell it so I would like to give it life again ...😊

  16 answers
  • Trudy Trudy on Feb 18, 2019

    Start with a power washer.

  • Patricia Hubbard Patricia Hubbard on Feb 18, 2019

    pressure wash it or paint it then add some black shutters.

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Feb 18, 2019

    Paint, add shutters and add a cute front entry

  • William William on Feb 18, 2019

    Make reapiars. Replace any damage. Paint .

  • Jamie Bohannan Jamie Bohannan on Feb 19, 2019

    I believe the pic is of the back of the trailer, but pressure washing it would help a great deal.. u can actually get some underpinning that looks like bricks, find the right paint for the trailer and like the others said, add shutters, nice little front porch, maybe build planter boxes for the front or a small garden with red or black mulch off the side of the porch... Where are you located at and how much are u selling it for.?

  • Yvette Yvette on Feb 19, 2019

    The first thing I would do is clean up the outside . Get the window air conditioner out of the window. Take down all the blinds inside the house. You can buy plain white flat sheets at Walmart buy some cheap hooks that will clip onto the sheet and curtain rod. No sewing involved. I do believe that this is the back of the trailer also. If you are going to sell I would not paint the entire trailer to much money for resale. Now you have to tackle the mold and mildew outside. Go get you some very good mold and mildew remover very good. You can use a power washer if you have one. I did this last year and although it involves manual labor it does the trick. I had a plastic weed killer thing. I put my stuff in that and spayed little sections. I let it sit for about an hour and then I scrubbed by hand with a cloth Whew. Then I sprayed off with the water hose. Repeat , repeat, repeat until the entire trailer is done. I agree with shutters. If you do not want to spend a lot of money get some pallets cut them for shutters. You can paint them, sand and stain, or just leave as is. Hope this has been helpful.

  • Judy in Canton. Judy in Canton. on Feb 19, 2019

    First clean the area then power wash. Paint the skirt a dark charcoal gray and the top half a lighter gray. You need a third color perhaps in shutters or outdoor wall hangings. Maybe a burgundy. It looks like this side gets more shade than sun so perhaps a row of hostas would work there to keep dirt down. Paint the stairs and door the same color as the shutters.

  • Florida Beachpotato Florida Beachpotato on Feb 19, 2019

    Be lazy like me, use this from Home Depot. Click on photo below >

    I am a senior and disabled but a Spray and Forget was amazing and really

    got the mildew and thick mold to die and after two bottles, at $19.99 I got a

    nice and shiney surface. With NO RIGORS. Hooks to the hose and made me look

    like I knew what I was doing. lol. Easy peazy for me.

    comment photo
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Feb 19, 2019

    There's a product called "30 seconds" you might want to give a try. $10/gallon at Lowe's and you cut it 50/50 with water. Then cosmetic fixes as others have suggested.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Feb 19, 2019

    I would rent a good pressure washer and wash it all down then paint it and put up window shutters on the front and paint them. If there is any damaged skirting, you might want to fix or replace it. Also clean up the property of any over growth and weeds, bushes etc and even put a log or cinderblock planter around it and fill dirt and put in a few plants. Then be sure the front step is safe and paint it or build a better one with a landing. You might consider a small front deck made from free pallets on cement blocks and paint it. I would paint the shutters and new step or deck porch the same color and the walls of the trailer a light color ....i.e. light green for trailer and dark brown for shutters and deck. This is just an idea. Set out a plant or two. The more homey it looks and well kept the more money you will get for out considering every else is in good repair. Paint and pallet wood are an inexpensive way to dress it up.

  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 19, 2019

    You could put vinyl siding on it

  • Ann Ann on Feb 19, 2019

    I'am a senior who rented a mobile home similar to this one . The home needed a good cleaning.,I used spray and forget it also cleaned yard. I built small porch with help from Home Depot cutting lumber and new steps. I made smail flower beds mulch. I clened and Repaired under pinning. All this costs me was the deposit I was going to have to pay. My landlord was very pleased with what I did and gave discount on rent. Deposit 350 so .

  • Darlene Nuppnau Darlene Nuppnau on Feb 19, 2019

    To clean the siding use Awesome. Very cheap to use, removes all dirt and black streaks. Follow instructions.

  • Anita Fix Anita Fix on Feb 19, 2019

    cover it with wood slats after you wash it.

  • Darla Darla on Feb 20, 2019

    I agree with all the rest of these folks. Start by cleaning around it as well as the trailer it self. The picture does look like the back of the trailer and that it is on the North side in the shade most of the time. Clean your steps too as that will make the place look more inviting too. Straighten skirting back up, remove air conditioner and fix window if it needs it and if the place is dirty inside clean that too.

  • Alice Alice on Feb 20, 2019

    I would add a covered porch, a firepit & few shrubs.