Quick And Easy DIY Sailboat Decor

A couple years ago we had a little mini tornado (F-0 I believe) go through our yard and damage a couple trees and do minor damage to the roof. We were so lucky that it wasn't anything more serious as it took down a garage and a few barns within a stone's throw from here! After the storm, we gathered all the branches and such and threw them into a pile. Where, for the most part, they still sit.
But more to the point of my little story here, I did make a couple of cute little sailboats out of a few of the limbs though.
And this is how I did it:
- I sawed a dead branch from our brush pile into a section roughly 16" long.
- I cut a twig to about 17" long
- Drilled a hole in the middle of the larger branch section
- Hot glued the twig into the hole
- Cut my fabric into a scalene triangle (I'll save you from running to find your geometry books - it's three different sized sides)
- Screwed the 2 eyelet screws into each end of the branch
- Sewed one end of the the triangles onto the eyelet screws
- Sewed the opposite bottom of the triangles onto the mast (aka twig in the middle)
- Sewed the top of the triangles to the top of the twig
- Then I cut out a double sided triangle to use as a top flag and hot glued it to the top
- Done
Now, go find your own tree branch and build yourself a boat!
It's a very simple and rustic sailboat made for home decor. It probably would not actually float :)
See, just a branch for the boat and a twig for the mast. Very simple.
These are the eyelet screws that I screwed into the end of the branch
The fabric was some vintage ticking that I bought at a barn sale. It was full of rips and holes, so about the only thing it was good for was small projects like this.
House Of Hawthornes
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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