How can I get rid of weeds in by carpet grass

by Debbie
  4 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 22, 2019

    Do you want to get rid of the carpet grass on weeds that are growing in the carpet grass?

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Apr 22, 2019

    Spot spray each plant with Round-Up & use preemergent to stop any new seeds from germinating. Remove all seed heads before they get brown and spread. Yes Round-Up-------sprayed on leaves it's then absorbed into stems/stalk then into root system killng entire plant. Just follow safety instructions they are on label for a reason.Get good 2 gallon pump sprayer(not a back pack) and buy the concentrate,add food coloring to it so you can see where you are spraying,wear disposable gloves,do not spray in wind/slightest breeze,spray low down directly onto the leaves of each plant,do not get in wet solution,if you spill any dilute with water. Whenever you see new starts spray them asap before it gets out of control again.This will kill the invasive plants and the grass will recover.there are other products with glysophate but Round-Up is best on market. Just use it to be rid of problem/invasive plants and then stop,just as with anything "moderation" and precaution.Yes it's hazardous & it's always been labeled so, if used correctly no more hazardous than all the cleaners,paints,strippers,pesticides,pet pest control(poor animals-we feed it to them and put it on their skin) ,herbicides, fertilizers well you get the picture... used every day everywhere.

  • Mr ATC Mr ATC on Apr 28, 2019

    This video should help you: