How do I make a great desk in my kitchen?

Michele Smart
by Michele Smart

How do folks combine the junk drawer essentials with gift giving supplies and outgoing mail supplies and project binders (that seem to get shoved away till later) while I deal with incoming mail and newspaper listing of events. I guess I'm asking for a great activity area to handle all of the above.

  2 answers
  • How much space do you have to work with? My house is small and so is my kitchen. I turned a spare bedroom into an office (I still have a designated guestroom) space. My gift boxes and related items are in the closet and I wrap gifts on the kitchen table or coffee table. Craft supplies are in there too.

    • Michele Smart Michele Smart on May 14, 2019

      I have a desk in my bedroom and also one in the living room. The trouble is I like things put away out of sight. I admire when others do colorful displays but Im unable to live w/it very long. I think I will gather everything that I want in one place and brainstorm how and where to put it. As it is now I have stamps in one place, tape in another, labels elsewhere. I also keep binders for projects and those have become spread everywhere. I'm tending to disorder with a 7 month old and I really have to get organized before she goes to school.

  • Pamela Pamela on May 14, 2019

    Hi ! If you have room in your kitchen for a good sized desk , do it !!!

    My father made all of us desks for our bedrooms , by getting a thick ( 1 inch ) board and used 2 file cabinet s ( 2 drawer ) to support each side of the board . He sanded and painted the board then He glued the board to the top of the file cabinets. He put a piece of plexiglass on top . Plenty of space to do crafts , homework , meal plan , and big drawers to keep tons of supplies in !!!

    • Michele Smart Michele Smart on May 14, 2019

      I love that your dad did that for you. I've seen the same inmagazines and the file cabinets were covered in cute contact paper. That would be a great way to have storage using two file cabinets. I'm going to gather everything in one place and plan the space using file cabinets. Thanks.