How do I make my own barrel bathtub?

by Shannon

I want to make my own barrel bathtub to put in my camper. To buy one is extremely expensive. Is there a way to make my own?

  4 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Jun 08, 2019

    When my folks were young they used a washed tub for their typical Saturday bath. It was a metal round wash tub that can still be purchased at a real reasonable price. It would not take up much room if you can put it in a closet or store it under the table until you get stopped and hang it outside for example. There are galvanized ones that are round, others with a little length that is still small enough to tote around the country: here is an example. You can get various kinds at Walmart, Feed and Seed stores, Bumgaars, and even some home improvement stores. This one is priced at $31.oo

    comment photo
  • What about buying an inexpensive 'barrel' shaped one off of Amazon, such as THIS one?

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jun 09, 2019

    Hello there,

    Or if you really like the Barrel idea and you don't want to buy an Old Whisky Barrel, then maybe an old Oil drum or a large water Butt might fit the bill! I have one in the shape and colour of an old barrel myself. Bought it in the UK!

  • Linda Linda on Jun 11, 2019

    I think this will help.