Dark fireplace

by Maxie

How do I brighten up this fireplace area?

  12 answers
  • Julie Julie on Jun 30, 2019

    I would suggest not only lightening the fireplace area but the entire area. I see that most of your furniture and accessories are dark also. Reference the rug and select 2 hues of a lighter color and paint the entire fireplace. Use the darker of the 2 colors on the hearth and mantle and the lighter of the two colors on the fireplace surround. You could even consider your wall color for the fireplace surround. You could easily spray paint or re-stain some of your accessories to coordinate with the fireplace once that is done. Consider the entire space, not just the fireplace for a more cohesive feel. Good luck! Would love to see the pictures when you're done with the makeover!

  • Mary Staat Coomer Mary Staat Coomer on Jun 30, 2019

    You won't believe how just taking on the brick alone can make a huge difference .. I would try to strip the mantel to a natural wood finish and than polyurethane it ..

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  • Marcella Marcella on Jun 30, 2019

    I agree with Julie....paint, paint, paint the fireplace!

    Lighter colors, for sure.....you could even wallpaper ( self adhesive....easy, peasy) behind the wall, "frame" the papered portion to make the fireplace even more of a focal point......l had good success with a walnut color electric fireplace l rescued by painting it a light gray base, then l used self adhesive backsplash tile to turn it into a "stone" fireplace, and self adhesive " beach weathered" wallpaper

    "framed in" on the wall behind it. A very classy, TOTAL transformation, and currently our favorite room.

  • Pamela Pamela on Jun 30, 2019

    Paint !!! Whitewash the brick , you don't have to use white , you can use beige...

    Also paint the mantle . Then add light colored throw pillows.

  • Karen Brunck Karen Brunck on Jun 30, 2019

    I like the dark wood and brick. I would just remove all the dark accessories and switch them up with bright colors and white flowers.😊

  • J Brown J Brown on Jun 30, 2019

    Whitewash is the cheapest option! We finally did our monster brick wall a couple years ago, dramatic. Pamela is right the wash does not have to be white.

    You can see the entire transformation "massive brick fireplace wall whitewash success" project

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  • Maxie Maxie on Jun 30, 2019

    Thank you...love your wall you washed.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jun 30, 2019

    I would brighten up the wall surrounding the fireplace by adding some brighter/lighter color, maybe a copper color and then add this metal as an accent in other areas.

    Add a large mirror over the mantel to reflect light into the room. https://cb2.scene7.com/is/image/CB2/DeppBrssTabRoundMirror32inSHF19/$web_spill_item$/190508123940/depp-brass-tab-round-mirror-32.jpg

    Add some lighting this could be a floor lamp or even a swagged hanging lamp, or two small console lights on the mantel, or two wall sconces. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSMUqXFtvZJmf3jQvg9ZdqNhzCFhxdAtrVSAAN3PFKDl3mzrbAW3g



    Your accessories add to the darkness so I would maybe add some light colored luminaire candles on the mantel, maybe a oval metal piece with white flowers in it in the center. If you really love the 2 pieces that look to be an old window frame, you might use some gilder's paste to brighten them with metallic gilding to make the details stand out or back them with a luminous piece of dupioni silk and add push light from the dollar tree to make it glow.

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Jul 01, 2019

    I think it would look great if you painted the fireplace white. Your area rug isn't too dark, so by adding a few lighter accessories, (like throw pillows) you could definitely brighten up the entire area. Here is a link on painting the fireplace if you are interested.


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  • Chris Gignac Chris Gignac on Jul 01, 2019

    I would start simple and cheap. First remove what is above the mantle now. Second thing I would try would be to place a mirror above the mantle or a light picture.

    Spend money suggestions... Recessed lighting, repainting the mantle.

  • Dee Dee on Jul 01, 2019

    There is a product called Brick Anew. It will brighten up your fireplace. I would also paint the mantle

  • Lindsay Aratari Lindsay Aratari on Dec 30, 2019

    I would white wash the brick and add some light accents around it and on the mantle