What kind of saw should I use to repurpose desk parts?

by David

I am looking to reuse/upscale some desk parts from 2 desks that I have that resemble those in the picture. These are too big and too deep, and my idea is to shorten the pedestals (front to back) and then mount them, using cleats, the wall, and then either doors or wood create a top across them, to create desks for two users. I want to use the former typewriter pedestal (which is on the left side, with a door rather than drawers) in the center as the CPU center. My question is what type of saw to use to shorten these? Can I use my circular saw with a high-count tooth blade made for finer cuts, or should I use a hand saw, saber saw, etc?

  4 answers
  • William William on Jul 13, 2019

    Use a circular saw with a fine tooth blade. 40 tooth blade should work. Painters tape where you want to cut to minimize chip out. Also use a straight edge for a straight cut.

  • Emily Emily on Jul 16, 2019

    That is a classic antique desk. I would hesitate to change it.

    • See 1 previous
    • Emily Emily on Jul 17, 2019

      Our town has a wonderful facility at the transfer station. . . a "swap shop" where people can use unwanted items and others can take them. This is a wonderful resource and one the townspeople take great advantage of. Check out this refurbished antique sailors chest. It would be nice if every town had a valuable resource like ours.

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  • Gary Olver Gary Olver on Jul 16, 2019

    I would use a jigsaw , not enough room for a circular saw !

    • David David on Jul 16, 2019

      Actually there is...the pedestals can be unscrewed from the top...

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Jul 17, 2019

    OOHHHH......I'm cringing at the thought of cutting these up!