Asked on Jul 14, 2019

How can I organize a real messy laundry room?

by Donna
  6 answers
  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Jul 14, 2019

    Donna....My theme is a place for everything but if there is no place for it I figure it needs to be moved or either tossed, given away or find a home elsewhere. Organizing is hard for a lot of people but it's really not that hard. Use bins, baskets, totes, shelving. You might use pep boards just depends on wall space. To be honest with you it would be nice if you made a picture for us to get a little idea of what the mess is! Thanks.

  • K. Rupp K. Rupp on Jul 14, 2019

    I have a wall shelf that I put 5 baskets on top above the sink and washer and dryer. Whites, lights, darks, towels and sheets, and delicates. It works great. This way dirty laundry stays OFF the floor!! I have a small basket for plastic grocery bags. Individual grocery bags is what I use for each kid to take up their own laundry. I also have a corner basket caddy with different shelves that I use for the long lost mismatched socks. I have a cabinet also to hold all the soaps etc. Don't get me wrong, this room still gets so messy but if there is a place for everything, you will be happier.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jul 14, 2019

    Hi Donna, if you can find 3 feet of wall width and height, you can do the 9 cube storage shelf which will allow you to use cube baskets or use bare and sort items like laundry stuff and others, each cube is only 1 foot so you could even go 4x4

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  • Morgan McBride Morgan McBride on Jul 15, 2019

    I would pull everything out. Trash as much as possible, or donate. Then put things in piles by category. Determine if you need bins or drawers or a cabinet or what. Good luck!

  • Lucky Home Today Lucky Home Today on Jul 16, 2019

    I call on the clothes owner (typically kids) and have them put their laundry away by section. i.e. stack of shirts, then a stack of shorts, etc.