Is there a strong glue that is food safe?

by Donna

I want to duplicate an idea I saw that was too expensive to buy. On online company is selling glass water bottles with a single, long crystal (amethyst, quarts etc.), inside the water bottle. I have several crystals - wand and points and I would like to do this myself - however I'm not sure how to secure the crystal. Any ideas? I could just glue a wand into the bottle but what glue should I use?

  10 answers
  • Bijous Bijous on Jul 27, 2019

    Hi Donna. I'm sure the bottles have a dual layer of glass -- one on the outside, then another covering the stones. Otherwise it would be impossible to clean and keep sanitary. A taller cylinder glass inside a slightly smaller one might be your answer. Attach your stones and fill in the space completely with faux water (sold at craft stores). That way the taller cylinder is the H20 water bottle and you don't have to worry about food safe glue. Good luck, and happy DIY'ing!

    • Donna Donna on Jul 28, 2019

      Thank you for your reply. I don't think that will work in this instance but I appreciate it.

  • William William on Jul 27, 2019

    No glue is food safe.

    • Donna Donna on Jul 28, 2019

      At least none that I know of either. I posted photos, I'm not sure how they secured it. I posted photos.

  • Can you post a photo of the expensive item? Then maybe we can figure out how to duplicate it in a cost worthy manner.

    • Donna Donna on Jul 28, 2019

      Thanks so much for your reply. I have posted photos.

  • Everything Pretty Everything Pretty on Jul 28, 2019

    Please post a photo.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 28, 2019

    Is it that artificial water than holds a rose or whatever in a vase? if so that is epoxy, you can buy crystal clear epoxy kits, artificial water resin, at Hobby Lobby or Michaels.

  • Donna Donna on Jul 28, 2019

    I appreciate everyone taking the time to answer. Here are photos of the bottle I saw - I don't know how they attached the crystal. The last bottle is sold as "empty" that's the one I would purchase to add my own crystal, you may have to click on it to see the whole photo.

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    • Ok, sounds reasonable. Hope you can figure it out as I think they would sell well at a craft fair. Good luck! 🌞

  • William William on Jul 29, 2019

    I'll take guess. I went to two sites. Different crystals are available. They don't appear to be glued in. I think they may be pressure fit into a rubber gasket/sleeve. If they are glued in it must be a special glue formulated for them.

    • Donna Donna on Jul 29, 2019

      The company I saw sells the glass bottle with no crystal but they couldn't tell me how to add one!

  • William William on Jul 29, 2019

    Yep. It's proprietary. They don't want any cheap knock offs.

    • Donna Donna on Jul 29, 2019

      It's curious to me why they even sell the empty bottle! It's cheaper but not that much ($30 I think) Crystals aren't cheap either - unless you know where and how to buy them. I have so many I'd love to make this but just can't figure out how!

  • Donna Donna on Jul 29, 2019

    HA! I just checked and they sell them for $15! I guess I'll just buy one from them!

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Jul 30, 2019

    hopefully the crystals/rocks are real ; so many are reproduced/faked by many methods now, some are compressed using resins and glues,many are excellent look and feel alikes but are glass or resin,some are even lead glass filled; hate to be a "Debbie Downer" but making sure they are food safe would/should be huge priorityfor both the rocks and glues used for attaching them to inner seal(many foreign countries do not have regulations on products,chemicals used to cut & polish stones,food safe glues);I have massive gemstone/rock/mineral collection and they are expensive to get real stones; also just the water washing over the crystal before drinking would not do much,most crystal healing is done with raw crystals/rocks not even polished; they are pretty bottles,very trendy money maker, if it gets people to drink more water that's great------(online quote)---"So if this trendy new water helps you to get in your recommended two liters per day, then go for it! Just know that you'd likely experience those same benefits from drinking regular ol' H2O. (not to mention, totally free)". Personally I think the raw stones in a type of infuser water bottle(like for fruit) might be better if you are going for health? spiritual effect along with some good filtered water from Berkey water filtration system.