How can I lighten up these bathroom walls and trim?

by Martha

My bathroom has alot of wood trim. It's been painted really dark. I would like to repaint the trim white or an off white. My tub has mirrors all around it with wide wood that's painted same color as trim. Should I paint that same color as trim or same color as walls?!?! Probably going to paint trim a light color and bathroom a prettier gray. Also on the striped wall should I paint boards all the same color? THANK YOU

Should I paint all the brown sand color as walls. Or same color that I paint top and bottom trim?

Opening with curtains is going to be covered up with rectangle beige X mirror... should I paint this all same color?

  10 answers
  • Lucky Home Today Lucky Home Today on Oct 14, 2019

    That is a lot of trim! I like the idea of painting it a complimentary color to your pretty gray for the rest of the walls. That would make the mirrors stand out a bit more.

  • Natalie Natalie on Oct 14, 2019

    If you want them to stand out, paint them the same as the trim. If you don't want them to stand out, paint them in the same color as the walls. Have fun!

  • Judy in Canton. Judy in Canton. on Oct 14, 2019

    Looking at the lantern and wooden fence it looks like you are leaning toward country style. I would consider a peel and stick tile for the trim around the mirrors, brick or stone style in a neutral tone. Paint all the other surfaces all the same color of your choice. It looks to be a nice size room but has too many focal points with all different colors and trim. Good luck with your project.

  • on Oct 14, 2019

    I think you should paint the walls and trim the same color. It will make the room feel bigger and more calming.

  • Emily Emily on Oct 14, 2019

    Yours is a very idiosyncratic bathroom. Unlike anything I have ever seen. So the question is, if the bathroom in this house had been exactly what you wanted, what would that be? Then we could tell you how to achieve that look.

  • Rymea Rymea on Oct 14, 2019

    Paint the wide wood the same color as the walls, maybe an off white. Paint the baseboard trim white. I'm having a problem with making the mirrors work with your country theme. I'm not sure what style to call them but definitely not country. If taking them down would be an option then i feel that would be the best solution for the space.

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Oct 15, 2019

    I think you should paint the trim and walls the same color. I think the bathroom would look good painted all white and then you can add accessories for color.

  • William William on Oct 15, 2019

    Paint all the wood white.

  • Debi53 Debi53 on Oct 16, 2019

    If it were me, I would paint everything a light color like the gray you mentioned. There is a whole lot of different textures and finishes going on in one small room. Trim, walls, everything the same will calm the room down.

  • Martha Martha on Nov 02, 2019

    I finished!!! Still some decorating to do. Thank you for all your advice

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