How can I organize my coat closet?

  6 answers
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Dec 09, 2019

    I have my work clothes primarily by weight (tops: sweaters, long sleeves, short sleeves, tanks) then by color (dark to light). I hang all fitness together since it's not a lot of items. Jeans and t shirts side by side. Dresses are hung same as tops.

    For my husband, I have 2 sections since he wears jeans & polos or tshirts 95% of the time. One section are the "good" ones, the other is for yard work and have been stained. Dress shirts and pants together.

  • Going through your stuff and donating what you don't wear or use is the best way to start. It's so much easier to organize when you have less stuff. For jackets, we have hooks by the front door and each person can keep one coat there. The rest get stored in a closet. For my closets, I hang skirts, dresses and shirts. Pants get folded, along with sweaters. Everything is sorted by color.

  • Emily Emily on Dec 09, 2019

    We have a fairly good sized coat closet which is one of the first things we made for this house. Since we can wear coats all year round, but of course different weights, I find it useful to store light weight jackets, rainwear etc. else where during the winter. We also have hooks on our back door and side door, for visitors to hang coats and for us to hang often worn or wet coats. Its more of a problem for more family members

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  • Pamela Pamela on Dec 09, 2019

    Hi ! I keep the most used coats in the center , this means moving them around seasonally . You can use dollar store shower curtain hooks and put them right on the hanger with the coat to hang coordinating scarves . Use baskets or bins on the upper shelves to hold gloves and other winter gear . Keep boots on the floor in winter or upper shelf in summer , use dollar store pool noodles to keep boots from flipping over .

  • Lindsay Aratari Lindsay Aratari on Dec 31, 2019

    Hangers are great for coats, scarves, vests, etc. Then baskets and bins are great for shoes, gloves, miscellaneous items.