How can I make over this coffee table with a pop of color?

by Beth

Hi Everyone. I want to redo this coffee table with a pop of color; top and bottom. My living room is brown furniture. Need color.😀

  10 answers
  • Can you post a photo of your living room?

  • Beth Beth on Jan 05, 2020

    Sorry. I'm cleaning. Could use some decorating tips too

    comment photo
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jan 05, 2020

    use chalk paint in your color choice of gray, blue, etc

  • Mogie Mogie on Jan 05, 2020

    What are your accent color(s)?

  • Em Em on Jan 05, 2020

    Any color will go with brown. It is a neutral color. Pick something else in the room, pillow, couch chair, and go a shade lighter or darker than it or just go with your favorite color. Restain the top and let the bottom be your pop of color.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jan 05, 2020

    I've learned to use an accent color in at least three locations in a room. Almost any color looks good against a neutral palette. For example, if you like red, try a couple of throw pillows with a red print you like. Put a throw on one of the pieces of furniture that is either red, or picks up a color from the print. Your table can coordinate, or go neutral. Basically, an accent color is your pop of color that brightens up your room. Using it in three items gives you a more polished look. Think of it as a black and white picture with pops of color added, which gives it more interest.

  • Beth Beth on Jan 05, 2020

    Thank you ladies. It gives me things to think about.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jan 06, 2020

    I would go for a dark brown top and add the color where it is blue. You choose but I would go with turquoise, yellow, or red.

    You can add something to the top like a mandala or just add color with decor items.

  • Dee Dee on Jan 06, 2020

    Sand down the top to refinish it. Then stain with an Ebony color stain. Put a few coats of Polyurethane on top for durability.

    I would lightly sand the bottom, then prime with a good stain blocking primer, and probably paint a dark red.

  • Mogeda Ramadan Mogeda Ramadan on Jan 07, 2020
    You can renew it either by using colorful paints or doing a decoupage using several drawings