How can I create curb appeal with this closed-in porch?

by Genne

Curb appeal and help with maybe covered porch

  11 answers
  • Lucie - Oh my sander Lucie - Oh my sander on Jan 29, 2020

    Hi! Do you need help with decorating ideas? :-)

  • Megan Megan on Jan 29, 2020

    Hi Genne! Some small bushes or plants for edging the yard would look great in the front of the house! Also maybe add a few along the sidewalk. Love the house!

  • Annie Annie on Jan 29, 2020

    Lovely home from the outside, with lots of architectural stuff going on. I'd do some very low plantings along the front of the house. Low maintenance and plants that stay low to the ground.

    Then maybe a curved flower bed on either side of the sidewalk, just to break up that straight run from the street to your entry.

  • Lucky Home Today Lucky Home Today on Jan 29, 2020

    Looks like a great place to entertain or have a sip of tea in the afternoon!

  • Sharon Sharon on Jan 29, 2020

    I would get the sprinkler on that lawn and green it up for starters. Then add some flowers or shrubs under the windows, and maybe some taller potted shrubs on either side of the door. This house is screaming out for color.... everything is brown making it look neglected.

  • Patricia Patricia on Jan 29, 2020

    Genne ... Wonderful area of the home. One reason, (adding on to Lucky above), great location to social with family / friends, write a book, quite hours .... My dad made framed screens to place in the spring, summer and fall (to curtail bugs) ... Remove in the winter months. As suggested, plants, color (flowers, fake or live) ... Beautiful area! pp

  • Sharon Sharon on Jan 29, 2020

    Love the area, agree it needs some green and bright colors.

  • William William on Feb 02, 2020

    Some low plants on each side of the chimney. A raised bed on the right with three tall evergreens between the windows. Looks like there were rows of plants on each side of the walk but somebody sodded over the beds. I would put the beds back. Plant some colorful leafy perennials. In the inside veranda use 2X4 on the beams spaced about a foot apart to create a little shade. Must get hot from the sun. Paint the decorative emblem on the chimney same color as the trim. Stands out too much.

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Feb 02, 2020

    What an awesome area! That is such a cool space, I love it! If that were my house, I would spray paint the wrought iron a brighter color so it's more of a focal point and stands out. Since the brick has a lot of yellow tones, I would start with a color scheme and then add flowers, plants accessories that all go together well. Good luck and I would love to see pictures when you finish!

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  • Janice Janice on Feb 02, 2020

    You have a beautiful home that just needs a bit of color added with a variety of plantings to become eye popping. I would go to a local nursery with the pictures you provided here and ask for advice about what plants (bushes and perennials) that will grow well in your area with little care. You might also make contact with your local County Extension Agent's office. They will know the best varieties of trees, shrubs, etc. They may even provide you with a soil testing kit so you know if you need any soil amendments for good healthy plantings. Depending on where you live you might want to invest in an irrigation system to keep maintenance low. Your outdoor room is lovely and could also be improved with plants and colorful decorative accessories. cushions and so on. Color!! Good luck and have fun with your project(s)!

  • Deb K Deb K on May 09, 2021

    Hi Genne, I see some nice greenery in the windows, maybe some nice plants inside the area, some colorful cushions and some flowers in pots. Also add some flowers to the exterior for a nice pop of color.