How can I repair this window frame?

by Gina

Hello I just saw that my window seems to be falling out of the wall. How would i be able to fix this? I have been doing repairs around this house we got, but i have never messed with windows. We are currently renovating this home ourselves. It's a fixer upper so we are doing our best. Any help would be much appreciated.

  10 answers
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Feb 15, 2020

    I think this is what happened:

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Feb 15, 2020

    Gina....Remove the window and find the reason for the problem, purchase wood for reframing, then put window back. If the problem is not solved with the window it will only happen again in time so make sure you fix it or have somone look at it to help you. Good luck

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Feb 15, 2020

    It looks like you've got 3 problems going on in that area:

    1. Loose/missing mortar in the bricks.
    2. Dry rot in the window frame lower wood.
    3. Window not properly set due to the foregoing.

    You MIGHT (might!!) be able to get some mortar into the brick joints where it's missing. Before anything, go downstairs (or into the crawl space) below that section and inspect it carefully for any moisture, cracks, or heaving. Make sure that foundation wall is still vertically level.

    If there is anything you see of the above, get a foundation expert in there asap!

    It is NOT a diy job!!!

    If the wall inside that damage is ok (be brave and hammer a hole to get a good look!) and the basement has passed inspection (be honest!), you can start work outside under the window. Get in there and dig out every bit of mortar you can that's loose. It's really important that this is done properly because if not, water will get into the wall cavity and travel along it, damaging insulation, wiring, framing, and possibly even your foundation!!!

    You probably have to cut away the drywall inside the house right there and pull back the insulation so you can get to the inside of the brick. Google "repointing brick" to learn how to fix all that.

    Then, you'll move on to replacing the dry rotted wood under the window. To do it right, you might want to take this opportunity to get a replacement window. You need to cut/chisel out the rotted wood and cut a piece to fit in. Personally, I love a product called "Great Stuff". It's spray foam insulation in a can and works as an awesome, expanding glue. It's waterproof, weatherproof, paintable and can b😎e cut/shaped with a knife! I'd use that to fit the wood in and seal things up.

    • Gina Gina on Feb 15, 2020

      Hi the house isn't made of brick at all. Its all wood and this house is old and has no insulation in the walls. But i will check under the house to see about the wall under the window bein level. Thank you

  • Sharon Sharon on Feb 15, 2020

    Agree with all of the above, when mortar in bricks breaks down it allows water/condensation to rot the wooden sill. After making all those repairs.... I would give it a good spray of Never Wet from Rustoleum.

  • William William on Feb 16, 2020

    Looks to me like the window sill what the window sits on rotted over time from moisture. What you may have to do is remove the complete window, remove any rotted wood and replace it. Then you can put the window back into the opening

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Feb 16, 2020

    Hello when there’s this much damage and rot, damaged wood needs to be removed and replaced. The structual integrity is important as well as stopping further progressing damage below the sill.

    Here is a video that might be helpful.

  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Feb 17, 2020

    Can you take a picture of the overall window on the inside and out so we can see if there are other factors that need to be addressed?

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Feb 17, 2020

    Get plaster and fill in the open part till it’s all smoth

  • Em Em on Feb 18, 2020

    Plaster is not for wood repair. The two options I see ar to replace the wood itself or repair it with wood putty or a product called Bondo wood filler. If you repair and not replace all of the area must be thoroughly cleaned out of all dirt and debris first. Follow the directions on the product then sand and repaint.