How to Build a Simple, Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed

6 Materials
2 Hours

Want to have a garden? If the soil near your home is not great for growing, it makes planting a garden more difficult. For example, we live at the beach and have very sandy soil. My mom lives in an area with red clay soil. Neither works well for gardens! Raised bed gardens make it so you can add your own soil that will actually grow plants! Read more about this project here!

Dig your post holes

Mark where you want your garden to go. Use a shovel or post hole diggers to dig a hole for the posts to set into.

Nail or screw your cross beams

Nail or screw your cross beams to the posts. Place the posts into the holes you just dug.

Nail the shorter cross beams

Now, nail the shorter cross beams to connect the two sides.

You can make your garden whatever size you want. However, since it's best not to step inside your garden, it's best to pick a depth that you can reach all of the way to the back. 2-3 feet max.

Secure posts

Fill the holes in around the posts with dirt so they are secure and level. You COULD concrete them in place, but it's not necessary.

Fill with soil and plants

Fill with raised bed soil, add your plants, and enjoy your new garden!

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Morgan McBride
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