How To Give A Buffet A Makeover And Achieve An Aged Faux Brick Look

Deer Run Revamps
by Deer Run Revamps
16 Materials
2 Days

I grabbed this previously painted buffet because I loved the shape and the size of it. It wasn't a very large piece, which makes it easier to sell.

I'll show you how to achieve this faux brick look and then how to age it 🥰

And after


Regardless of what paint you're using, the prep is necessary. Don't fall for the "No Prep" gimmicks. I love to use Frenchic's Sugar Soap to clean my pieces before painting. It gets rid of all of the dirt, grime, and years of built up residue. Just spray it on, wipe it down. If it's a really dirty piece, use a scrubbing sponge and really get in there! You can also use "totally AWESOME" from the dollar store. That's a great furniture cleaner. After you've gotten it clean, do a quick wipe down with plain water. Once the piece is dry, make any necessary repairs and do a scuff sand over the entire piece using 220 grit sandpaper. This gives the paint something to adhere really well to. Then wipe down to remove the dust


For this piece, I chose Frenchic Furniture Paint's color "Smudge", an elegant deep gray.

This paint is from the Al Fresco range, meaning it has the topcoat built right in. So no need to seal it! It's a one step paint 😁


I needed to apply 2 light coats for complete coverage, waiting 2 hours in between coats.

Supplies for Faux Brick

Now that the final coat of paint has dried for at least 2 hours, we can create the faux brick.

I bought the Redesign With Prima 3D stencil called "Brick And Damask". While I am a Redesign With Prima retailer, I unfortunately do not carry these large stencils due to the outrageous shipping costs I would need to pass on to my customers since the stencils need to stay flat, requiring a very large box.

You can however find this stencil from other reatilers on Etsy 😉 Or any other stencil you'd like.

I used Redesign with Prima's stencil fiber paste for the raised effect, also found on Etsy. But you can use whatever medium you prefer

Tape Stencil Into Place

I didn't want the fiber paste to get onto the legs of the piece, so I first taped off any areas I wanted to keep clean of paste.

Then I taped my stencil into place making sure it won't budge

Apply Stencil Paste

Using a drywall spatula, apply the paste all over the stencil.

With the fiber paste, you have quite a bit of work time as it does not dry quickly. So if you're using this medium, take your time, no need to rush through the process

Remove Excess Paste

Once I have the stencil covered, I like to then go over it with an x-large spatula to remove any excess paste and make sure it's mostly level.

You don't want it completely smooth. Leave behind some flaws and inconsistencies. This adds to the brick look

Sand and Paint

Some of the edges may be raised a bit too much, they easily sand down. I used 180 grit sandpaper, and quickly went over the entire area to level out any raised edges.

Then paint over it in the same base color as your piece

Age The Brick

To give the brick an aged look, I used 4 different colors and the dry brushing technique.

There's no rhyme or reason to my process. I just add color where I think it needs it

I first added a rust color on random bricks very lightly. I used the least amount of this color. It was mostly just an accent color

Then I added a light-medium gray all over to lighten it up (the video shows this step)

At this point, I went back with my base color and covered the "grout" and some edges.

Then I applied a light gray to mostly the middle areas of the brick, and heavy in some spots.

This process really is all about going with the flow. Choose colors that compliment each other and then just keep layering and layering until you're satisfied 😉

Retique It Wood Top

For the top, I decided to apply Retique It Liquid Wood instead of stripping off the paint and sanding it down.

Retique It is an easy way to give just about any hard surface a wood look. We are a Retique It retailer and use these products often, so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out 😉

The surface should be cleaned thoroughly and free if any dirt, grime and flaws. If there are any deep scratches or similar that do not get filler/sanded out, they will be noticable once the Retique It is applied.

Retique It gets applied just like a regular paint. These are waterbased products, so they're easy to use and clean up is a breeze.

First, I applied 2 coats of dark Retique It Liquid Wood, allowing to dry completely in between coats (took about 30 minutes)

Once that 2nd coat dried, I quickly applied one coat of light Retique It and ran the graining tool through while it was still wet.

Allowed that to dry completely, and then stained it with varathane's Kona premium wood stain.

Waited 24 hours, and sealed with Frenchic's clear wax

Paint and Stencil Drawer Sides

I like to do little extras like add drawer liners or designs on the drawer sides.

For this piece, I painted the drawer sides in my base color, Frenchic's "Smudge" then stenciled a fun mud cloth pattern over that using Frenchic's "Dazzle Me", a bright white

I had purchased pulls awhile ago for a different piece that I ended up not using, and they went perfectly with this piece!

The previous holes were for knobs, so those got filled and we drilled new holes for these beauty's 😍

Step Back And Enjoy Your Hardwork

The total cost listed for materials is for every product needed to complete this project, including sandpaper. You will also have A LOT leftover. So if you already have a medium gray color paint, use that. You don't need the same brand or even same color. Get creative and have fun 😁

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out or comment below 😁

I really hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and are inspired to create something beautiful 🥰

You can find majority of the products used here in our Etsy shop

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Thanks for reading! ❤️

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  • Shannon Shannon on Jun 24, 2020

    Absolutely gorgeous!!! Do you remember where you found that hardware? I love it!!!

  • Cheryl Bowlin-Atkinson Cheryl Bowlin-Atkinson on Jun 24, 2022

    I love it. I havent tried this paint yet but I want to. Did you say you put the retique it over the stencil on the side? Great job!!

  • Susan Susan Susan Susan on Jun 24, 2022

    Why brick on a buffet

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