How do I get cement to stick to my large mirror?

by Alyxes

I want to create a beach on my mirror. My room is blue so the reflection would be the ocean but I want half of it to be sand. I was thinking of putting a layer of cement to create the look and to create texture with possibly acrylic paint and then throw on some kind of sand and glue mix but I really have no idea.

Im not artsy at all but I have practiced on a small mirror with acrylic paint and wall spackle to just get used to differ mediums Please help

  15 answers
  • I would add a thick layer of mod podge and add the sand to the mod podge. You can add more layers until you get the look you want.

  • Craft Invaders Craft Invaders on Jul 04, 2020

    What a lovely idea. I don't think cement would stick to the glass and agree with Anita glue would be better. I actually can't find many examples of decorated mirror glass, most people rely on sticking embellishments to the frame. Please do share a photo when you finish it

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 04, 2020

    Hello Alyxes,

    You will need to add a white glue in with your cement to make it stick. Had you thought of using s contact paper the colour of sand or print off and cut out a picture of the sand look you want and applying that to the mirror with Mod Podge.

  • K. Rupp K. Rupp on Jul 04, 2020

    Hi Alyxes,

    Please check out my post:

    Do you see the molded cement I used in that post? I used a icing bag to distribute. It definitely stuck to the mosaic glass pieces when I got it on there so it should stick to your mirror.

    Here is the recipe:

    gorilla wood glue

    stucco patch(found at Lowes I think).

    I mixed them together and to create a thick batter like consistency. Look at the pics.

    If that doesn't work,

    The grout I used in the post also stuck to the glass very well. So look at the brand on that. They have multiple colors as well. Good luck!! Looks like a fun project!

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Jul 04, 2020

    Many products won't stick to the glass. Check labels.

  • on Jul 04, 2020

    What about glue and then sprinkle on sand while it’s wet? Cement would be heavy and could break the mirror. :)

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Jul 04, 2020

    I mixed sand and mod podge to create the look you are talking about on a canvas picture. You might try that and see if it gives the look you like. I was also able to stick shells into is as well.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jul 04, 2020

    One option do use might be two-part epoxy and put the sand on top of the clear epoxy resin. The project would have to be done horizontally until I cured.

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Jul 04, 2020

    Hi! No on the cement -- yes on the ModPodge and sand! Have fun!

  • Em Em on Jul 04, 2020

    You can use a thin layer of e6000, clear silicone, or Elmer's glue your smear on with your fingers, or brush the Elmer's on. Lay mirror flat and drop the sand on it. Let dry. It will stick. If using a thicker adhesive like silicone or e-6000 (thin coating) lightly push the sand into it.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jul 04, 2020

    I would dissuade you from trying to glue sand on to a mirror. IMO you will be fighting endlessly with trying to keep the sand that will be falling off, out of everywhere else.

    If you have your heart set on real sand in the room, my suggestion is to instead consider a sand art glass terrarium. The sand is always visible, is available in pretty colors, but is always contained and controlled.

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  • Alyxes Alyxes on Jul 04, 2020

    Thank you for all the responses! Along with my project idea I’ve been trying to do I also wanted to try this because the materials would be similar.

    this is where I got the idea of cement then sand

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  • Pat Pat on Jul 04, 2020

    I am not sure but looks like the spray stuff we use at Christmastime to put "frost" on our windows. Would something like that work with what you are trying to do? Maybe embed shells in the spray frost or ????

  • Morgan McBride Morgan McBride on Jul 04, 2020

    I'd get a cheap mirror and just experiment to see what works.

  • Love your idea! I've done similar with a window. I used sand and mod podge mixed together. Easy to shape/mold. Once dry, I went over the sand with a coat of mod podge, I've had no issues of sand falling off. This window is hanging in my bathroom over a builders grade large mirror - hence the reflection. Sorry for the poor photo quality

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