Upcycled Denim Hanging Vase

5 Materials
2 Hours

I love to craft for my home and to fill it with interesting upcycled fun decor. One of my favorite things to upcycle is old jeans in the past I have used tin cans and jeans to make some very cool planters.

This time I wanted to make something to hang on my walls, I used old jeans again but combined them with wood and a Mason Jar. These vases would make a lovely gift too.

This project costs almost nothing to make as you use stuff that you would normally throw away. An old jar, scrap piece of wood, denim scraps, and an old newspaper.

First, I covered the jar in cling film and then paper Mache half of it with newspaper strips.

I used a few layers of newspaper and used elastic bands around the lip of the jar. This was to make sure the jar shape would be visible when the paper dried.

I cut scraps of denim to fit the paper mache jar shape.

These were then glued onto the paper jar.

The scrap wood was sanded and a denim seam added as a hanging strap.

The vase was then glued to the wood base. All was that was left to do was to add flowers.

If using real flowers and water I would add a plastic yoghurt pot liner to the vase.

I ended up making 2 of these denim wall vases and I made some paper flowers for them. There are more details and a tutorial for the paper flowers on the blog post at the end.

I have made some beautiful denim flowers from scraps (see here) which I think would also look great in these hanging vases.

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Claire at Pillarboxblue
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Lynn Lynn on May 06, 2021

    Am I seeing this right, did you take the denim jar OFF the real jar and just glue that to the wood? Because it doesn't look like a whole jar in the pics. SO CUTE!

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  • Sandy Dalton Cummins Sandy Dalton Cummins on Jul 14, 2021

    Definitely! Will be great gift givers, after I make some for home first. Looks so easy and have all the items needed. I simply love this craft idea! Thank you!

  • Wendy Dailey Johnson Wendy Dailey Johnson on Aug 02, 2022

    I think I'll try these flowers .. I made these in blue denim for sons girlfriend when she had a baby boy & used pink denim for my daughter in law when they had a baby girl. (both babies were born 2 months March 9th & May 9th) of course I needed some too & the vase is denim seams glued to a can!!!

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