DIY Carpet Deoderizing Powder

by Mom4Real
Sometimes it's nice to freshen up the carpets and rugs in your home, especially when you have kids or pets. A few weeks ago, we were having guests over and I felt like our house smelled like our dog. I decided to make a quick deoderizer for our carpets. It literally took minutes, and my guests commented on how fresh our home smelled as soon as they came inside! You will definitely want to use this if you have smells lingering in your home!
Homemade carpet deoderizing sprinkle!
You will need a mason jar, baking soda and essential oil of your choice...I love lavender!
Use a nail to poke holes in the top of your mason jar lid.
Mix together baking soda and essential oils using a whisk. Mix really well so the oils get evenly distributed.
Shake on your carpet, let sit for about 10 minutes, then vacuum! For the exact recipe and tons more cleaning tips and homemade cleaning solutions, click on the link below!
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 5 questions
  • Frank Angel Frank Angel on Aug 09, 2016
    How to clean my carpet? I googled alot but couldn't find any easy tip.
    comment photo
  • Anne Anne on Aug 25, 2016
    how much of baking soda and essential oil to mix
  • Kha22137490 Kha22137490 on Apr 18, 2017

    Is this safe for cats, or any pet for that matter? We almost lost our 2 year old cat because of Resolve carpet cleaner even tho the bottle states "Safe for pets" cost us $3,000 in vet hospital bills due to complete kidney failure. Bottle didn't state the carpet has to be totally dry before an animal can walk on it because they lick their paws!!!!

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  • Kim Minor-Hines Kim Minor-Hines on Dec 04, 2016
    I was told that carpet deodorizer or any sprinkle powder would corrode your vacuum because of what it was made from, with I think is baking soda?
  • Shirley095 Shirley095 on Jan 17, 2017
    It works great but can cause problems with your vacuum clogging up.