Fabric Scraps Easter Basket

Ronja Lotte
by Ronja Lotte
2 Hours
Sew your own Easter baskets out of fabric scraps and parcel string. That looks prettier than store-bought baskets and is a great way to use scraps.
You need some colorful fabric scraps that are large enough that they can be cut into strips...
...and strong parcel string.
First, you must cut your fabric into strips. The length of the strips depends on the pattern that you want to create and the width of the strip depends on the thickness of your parcel string. You have to able to wrap the strips around the string.
Now you can start to wrap the strips of fabric around the parcel string and sew them but dont cut the parcel string just yet. It is best to use the whole role and test in between if your finished fabric string is already long enough.
In total I have sewn about eight meters/315 inch of fabric string.
Now you can start to glue your basket together. Here I simply rolled the bottom of the basket like a snail and glued it with fabric glue...
... And then rolled the brim and glued it, too. It is important that you glue the fabric string slightly offset for the basket to get a round shape.
The great thing about this basket is that it can also be used after Easter, for example for odds and ends and so it is two gifts in one.
If you like to see more of my projects, just visit my blog :-)
Ronja Lotte
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