Splitting a Room in 2 With a Half Height Partition Wall!

Helene Jones
by Helene Jones
With a shortage of rooms i had to accomodate my 12 year old and my newborn son...this gave them both their own space!
Car themed nursery one side..Dragonball Z the other!
Still enough room for a small nursery area!
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2 of 17 comments
  • Mary Mary on Dec 14, 2016
    Yes. When my grands visit they always argue who gets what room, this will stop that conversation in its tracks. Boy is 13, girl is 10.
  • Aar12861354 Aar12861354 on Nov 28, 2017

    You need to divide a room into smaller rooms to create privacy roommates or siblings? Or you just want to visually break a large room. Room Dividers are a great replacement for brick walls... Nice share.
