How to remove sour milk odor from car carpet?
How to remove sour milk odor from car carpet?
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Here are several methods to try, they always start with get the wet milk blotted up, which I am sure you did:
Another trick I learned from a friend...keep car windows open often. If you park in your garage, keep car windows open there.
Try odoban or go to a pet store and get some enzymatic cleaner.
Spray with vinegar and water 1:4 and saturate the carpet. Leave it for several hours and blot with a clean cloth. Leave the windows open while you do this.
Excellent site that shows 3 ways to remove spoiled milk smell from a car.
Yuk! What a smell to contend with. I have done this myself. Once visually cleaned and dried, I heavily sprinkled bi carbonate of soda (baking soda) on the area and left it in the sun with the door open. 24 hours later vacuum it up and the soda will take the smell with it.
Hello- I like the rental from Rug Dr. machines that you see at the supermarket. We find that it clean so thoroughly ( extracted waste water) we purchased our own Rug doctor steam cleaner from Costco.
try baking soda to neutralize it. Sprinkle it on overnight and then vacuum it up. Then spray on vinegar and let it air dry.
Karen: Rental machines are really cheap -- and do aa good job. (I always find MORE to clean when I have one!)
I would have to carpet clean the entire rug if i had a milk smell.
Hello Karen,
Spray with Febreze and if that doesn't do it. Use a carpet cleaner and then use Shake and Vac. Best wishes
Hi! Baking soda to start. I would suggest spot cleaning and then either a professional steam clean. Sometimes odors are in the pad which requires excellent extraction. Good luck and stay safe!
Depending on how much was spilt, it has soaked down through the carpet into the jute. This means that surface type methods such as baking soda won’t work. Definitely go with renting or borrowing a machine is your best bet.