Creating a Xeriscape Backyard Landscape

We are transforming our builder's grade small backyard using xeriscape ideas. Our plan is to integrate a few seasonal vegetables into two large beds.
Because we live in Texas water is a huge issue so we are making sure that this yard will use very little water. Many of our plant choices will be xeriscape plants that can survive our hot Texas summers.
Our small backyard landscape is starting to take shape.
This is the plan we created. When we moved in we had the builder eliminate the grass and we covered the dirt with weed cloth.
We added stones to create beds and address drainage issue.
A dry river bed was added for additional drainage and run off.
Decomposed granite will fill in the paths until we can afford to add flagstones.
We even managed to plant a few onions and greens.
The Seasoned Homemaker
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2 of 16 comments
  • Kathy Cerwin Kathy Cerwin on Apr 08, 2014
    Set up some rain barrels to water with. We are also in Texas just west of San Antonio and it has really been dry. Our lake us only 3% full. We currently have 3 rain barrels and I want to get a few more.
  • Happy Days Hometalker Happy Days Hometalker on Jun 14, 2018

    Love it as well, its perfect for the low maintenance, no gardener, low water bills and looks beautiful as well, great job, enjoy !
