What is wrong with my Echeveria Succulents? and How can I fix it?
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It looks like you have over watered this plant. Maybe these tips can help you save it.
Perhaps this article will help you identify the issue. https://worldofsucculents.com/brown-spots-succulents/
Hi Monica, hope this helps you with your succulent. Good luck 5 Succulent Care Tips - Prevent Succulent Leaves Falling Off
www.succulentsandsunshine.com › 5-succulent-care-tips
May 8, 2019 - If you have struggled with succulent leaves falling off, drying out, ... So my beautiful Pachyveria Royal Flush is going to need a lot less ... (brown/black spots on the leaves) move it somewhere that the light is not quite as direct.
My green ones turn that colour when they get sunburnt. The ones in the shade are fine, the pots out in all day sun go like this.
It looks like scale or mealy bugs to me.
Looks like a bigger pit with more drainage is in order... my sicculents love in the ground and do great! So well I’m constantly giving away babies!
Hello there,
Looks like a bug of some sort (Sucker type). Scale or Mealy Bug. Scrape them off and put in jar for latter investigation? Remove all affected leaves and wash with water and a drop of wash liquid added. Leave to dry and hopefully plant will start to recover.
I'm guessing it's getting too much water.
I always go to Google or U tube.......you'll find out for sure!! Good Luck!
Hello typically this can happen with the plantsreaction to overwatering or with over-fertilization.
Looks moldy. Needs mor esun.
I think it needs more light
Looks like an infection. There's no way to fix the damaged leaves, but you can save the healthy leaves by propagating them.