Elegant DIY Embellished Trash Can
Patti kelley
(IC: vlogger)
2 Materials
2 Hours
Recently I have been in the process of updating my guests rooms . I purchased this trash can for my blue and silver guest bedroom for $8 at Marshalls store. At the time it was just a plain aluminum can . I felt it was a plain Jane and decided that I wanted a more elegant.look. I looked in several stores and saw many beautiful and expensive cans , but decided that I could just embellish the trash can that I I already had. I was able to create this one to look just as high-end as those that I have seen. I purchased decorative wire ribbon from Hobby Lobby and sparkly ribbon from the Dollar Tree to make this glamorous trash can. This shows that you do not have to spend a lot of money to have elegant accessories in your home
I purchased the trashcan at Marshalls store I already had the glue gun and glue sticks. I measured the can and unrolled and cut all ribbons.
I next adhered the wire ribbon almost two inches from the top of the can. This is done carefully, applying a little glue to the can and quickly pressing and holding the wire ribbon on the can for a few seconds to make sure it And then at the bottom the same as above almost 2 inches from the bottom of the can repeat the same process with the.
Lastly I hot glued two rows of the sparkly ribbon together in the cent er of the can. Press and hold the ribbon briefly this should adhere quickly.
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I allowed the can to dry for about an hour before placing it in the room
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Suggested materials:
- The trashcan. glue gun glue sticks scissors, wire ribbon and sparkly ribbon (The trashcan from Marshalls. glue gun from Pat Catons wire ribbon Hobby Lobby sparkle ribbon from Dollar Tree)
- Old newspaper to cover table. and work gloves (Newspaper from home, gloves from the Dollar Tree)
Published June 6th, 2017 11:50 PM
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3 of 19 comments
Mary McDonald on Jun 22, 2017
I love it! I love sparkly and you did a super cute wastebasket!
Patti kelley on Jun 22, 2017Thank you Mary
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Your video is not st all helpful. How did you deal with the taper of the can when gluing on the ribbons?