Help With Springtails Please?
I posted back about 3 months ago asking to identify bugs we had in our home. They since have been found to be Springtails. Our pest control company has been here 8 times trying to rid us of these bugs! They treat the drains and outside and the window sills and also the drain trap that goes from our garden to our sinks. They are much less than they were but sill we see 6-10 a night around our sinks and showers and sometimes around the baseboard and window sill. We even had the pinestraw taken up from our garden and around out house and sprayed and then replaced with mulch. We can not see them in swarms outside and we don't have any standing water but we can't get rid of them. We have washed the windows with bleach daily and tried wiping counters, sinks, tubs, with vinegar and it did not help. I know there are many sites to Google but was hoping for first hand experience of someone that has had this issue. Any experience you had had with them would be appreciated. We are so tired of fighting them! Thank you!
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This is a very good site that explains how you need to clean up also as well as spraying.
Here is a link with lots of information on what they are attracted to and how to get rid of them. Vinegar is one of them. Best of luck to you!
Hello Lin, hope this video helps you out, may be worth an investment
Outdoor Control
These are really tiny bugs...1/16-1/18". Was thinking with all the failures you've had, how about trying-in the house- those sticky cardboard traps for mice, they work on fruit flies and gnats. You can get them at Walmart in a multi-pack. peel them open and lay them face up in strategic areas. Sorry, this is my best idea after you have exhausted so much time and energy into getting rid of them.
Here are some different treatment methods:
I had another idea. Apparently, they are attracted to moisture and humidity. Dry things out, and they may move on. Do you have a dehumidifier? It would be worth a try. I have also read that most pesticides don't work on them. So diatomaceous earth might work with them. It works on ants, fleas and even roaches, so it might help get rid of them, too. Good luck and stay safe!
Ugly little guy. What do they eat? Try to eliminate source of food.
Do yo check for an opening in attic or basement, that they are getting in.
I am actually curious to find out myself .. will read through all comments ! Thank you for your question
We still have them and it is now September!! Pest Control came with a moisture meter to check all the walls and floors and did not find anything!
Have you resolved the springtail problem. I’m currently having the same issue.
are you still having the problem now a month later? It’s been a week since they’ve infested our home and no luck yet. So stressed out. We have young babies at home so it’s hard too because we don’t want chemicals near them. Ready to move!
I have a thatch roof house and every rainy season they drive me mad. They seem to disappear in the dry season but come back with the rains. The inside of our home is teaming with them. I have sprayed an insect growth regulator (IGR) and combined it with imidacloprid. I am not sure how good it is for humans to breath this in but I haven’t died yet. We normally vacate the house for a few days after spraying. It has definitely helped.
I'm dealing with this issue now, however I have the infestation in my home and have had for a long time only now I'm realising, I turned to quora the knowledge app, I found very helpful to be honest, I suffer from severe mental health issues and PTSD and I have had bad past experiences causing me to almost have a mental breakdown, I was advised to use decomotoceous de earth which you can purchase on eBay or Amazon for as little as £8.45 example, a bottle that will last a long time, what I did was used containers long and small ones that I placed all around the house, what happens then the springtails basically use it like a bath to wash themselves in, within 12 hours of the powder they will die, however once the preferred habitat is disrupted they should disappear within a few days , good luck, let me know the outcome if you still have the issue