Should I paint this antique secretary, or refinish it?
Any thoughts or ideas would be very appreciated.
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Leave the piece alone. Why are people so eager to paint old furniture that is in good shape. Do not refinish, paint or disturb in any way because in the end you'll be sorry. Wipe it off with a solution to remove layers of Pledge or other spray cleaning products and feed the wood with a solution that is healthy for the wood. Speak to a furniture refinisher in your area who can recommend products. The piece is gorgeous and is meant to stay as is. I have a similar claw-foot desk and when my neighbor died, his son offered me a secretary with the same claw-foot bottom and and upper bookcase. However, I could not accept it because I had nowhere to put it. I have regretted that I had to make the decision for 40 yrs. Your beautiful piece has more gingerbread on it.
I owned not one but two secretaries just like yours. My husband's two uncles married two sisters. before WWII. They both got the same style secretaries for their new homes next door to each other from the same furniture store after WWII. We inherited one in 1982 ( luckily in perfect condition-they had no children). The other secretary went through a divorce and lived out its life in a cramped bachelor's apartment on the sixth floor of an old disgusting inner city building. We also inherited that one in 1990 and had to fit it in a teeny servant's elevator to get it down from the sixth floor. (The regular elevator was broken). It had lots of scratches but no serious damage. His uncle used it for his dinner table. Since, I am an antique dealer, everyone expected me to take this one when he passed on. I restored the second secretay to be almost a perfect match as the first one. I used Citistrip and matched the mahogany finish with a Minwax stain. I recently gave the secretaries to two recently married nephews in my husband's families. Anything can be restored. Take your time, do your homework and persevere. Secretaries of this vintage depending on condition, type of wood and maker can go from as low as $100 to as high as $1200. They are prolific in my area so they usually sell in the $400-$600 range.
If your piece is slightly faded and has very little damage, Howard's Restore-A-Finish is fantastic. We sell it in the antique mall where I have my booth. Look at the photo of a corner bookcase I bought at an estate sale that was in a smoky, dirty home.
If you want to paint this piece, shellac it first and then paint it. By doing this, you will be able to remove the paint down the road and the shellac can easily be removed with denatured alcohol, leaving you the original piece.
Picture of the piece submitted by Nancy from Detroit looks like my mother-in-law's BR furniture which I had to sell which was "Waterfall" pattern. Where do you buy Howard's Restore-A-Finish -- Home Depot; Lowes? Furniture looks lovely.
Anything you do to an antique takes the value $$ away. But it is yours and memories are priceless. Do what makes you happy 😊
Hi Barb! Refinishing it is just as bad as painting it. Regularly rub it with lemon oil - other than that, leave it alone. Hope this helps!