Dow do.i preserve vintage wall paper and newspapers?
I am taking dow a very old house and using the boards in my new house. I'd like to preserve some of the wall paper and newspaper with date 1938. the boards underneath look like they are either whitewashed or have a linseed oil dark red stain.
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Scraping would probably be the best method to preserve just the paper then mount on another board.. You could remove the boards as well. Once you decide which way you want to go, seal with a water based poly to prevent yellowing.
I second with Kathy and her comment. Either move the paper to new boards or remove the boards. To preserve it I would use a polyacrylic or mod podge would work as well.
water based polyurethane may do what you're after - if you're planning to keep it in place. Go with a low-sheet or flat version.
I have heard people ask the local historical society what the best practice would be. Some people have gotten great information from that that keeps the paper in great shape longterm.
You'll want to seal it well because old wallpaper was often put up with a paste made from flour. Mold can grow in it and cause allergy problems.
you could cut out the board that has the paper on it that is enough to shape up and frame
here is more info
I did an 1860's house and found great wallpaper in the kitchen closet. I just put it in a plastic sleeve and it has kept perfectly fine since the 1980's. You can get archival plastic sleeves online.
Newspaper is highly acidic. That is what makes it break down over time. You would need an acid free coating. Anything acidic will just break it down quicker.
Maybe with clear contact paper?
Hi! I would try Mod Podge on a small section to see how the paper holds up. Good luck!
I found this which will help you preserve and store: