Outside the door.
How can I lock a pocket door?
I bought my mobile home 10 years ago. All this time I’ve had the same dreadful ugly lock and no door knobs. The door hangs on slider rollers. The problem is any door lock I’ve seen or can think of the door just slides right out of. The inside of the door (facing into the bathroom) slides Over the door frame, not in the door frame. That leaves a very little space for a lock. The door meets to the linen closet. I can’t really describe this so I’ve added photos. The door knobs are another problem. To attach them I have big screws coming out on the inside and out side of the door. This has been a 10 year project for me. Thank you hometalkers for all your and any suggestions.
Lovely lock....ugggggly.
The only lock I’ve had.
The door meets the closet.
Impossible door knobs.
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Perhaps just an ordinary hook-and-eye lock, or one on each side of the door. You'd have to make sure that it doesn't protrude so much that it blocks the slide of the door, so it would need to be a rather small one.
This might be of some help!
Even large wood, glass or some metal knobs (without screws or locks), could be placed on each side of the door with Super Glue or the right Gorilla Glue, as long as the door still has room to slide. Filing cabinet locks might work. Or a car steering wheel block.
I'm sure Home Depot, Lowes or Ace Hdwr has something available. I bought a house in the 80's that had a sliding door and it had a lock in it with a handle. It was cut into the door itself.
I have a pocket door in my bathroom with a lock. Simply search the internet for pocket door hardware with lock. They are not easy to install and require cutting a piece out of your door. Good luck.
we have a decorative bolt lock the slide part is on the door casing, which you could use between your to cabinet doors. and the indentation part to hold the lock is in the door . we also use a inset handle so it clears. or pocket handle.
Maybe something designed for a barn door might work for you. Take a look at this.
I see your difficulty, with a non-pocket sliding door, and almost no space on the door jamb, due to the cupboard doors. Your current hook lock might be the most functional. There are some rather attractive versions of this mechanism on the market. Amazon has various different looks in this style, like this one:
There is another sleek and modern, functional lock that you might be able to fit into the small space between the closet doors:
Hope that helps!
Go to LOWES or Home Depot, they have all that hardware.
Everyone had answers that I never thought of. Very helpful!
Thanks Hometalkers!
These could replace the ugly hook and eye. Some are pretty, others just functional but better than what's there
This is a change of design to L-shaped hasps
Pocket door lock
Hello Elizabeth.
You could use recessed door handle or smaller screws. You could use a Hook and eye closure - usually brass but can find others from Hardware department. Best wishes.
Hi go for Recessed door handle and maybe magnetic lock.