The Easiest Way to Turn Tin Can Into Lantern Using $ Store Item

Jackie Francois
by Jackie Francois
Found this placemat and this cord at the $ and turn them into this.
Back of lantern
You will need: 1 large placemat( if you are changing your decor, use your old one.

Clothes line or para cord ( $ at dollar tree)

Mod podge hot glue gun, lights( I use solar powered Christmas lights from last year that are still working.

Tin can( I use coffe or peanuts can) free
What you need
Drill hole at the bottom of your cans then glue them together using a silicone base glue if you plan to use outside.

Mod podge the can, then wrap the placemat around the can adjusting it as needed to cover all areas. Let it dry.
Front of the lantern
For added details, use twine any direction you want to embellish your lantern
Twine in use
Following the patterns in your placemat, use a drill bit and a drill to drill dome holes in your lantern
After drilling hole
Now add some mod podge on top of the placemat and add lights
Hang your lantern where you want it to go
Tout se transforme.
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