How to Make Birdseed Ornaments

We made these birdseed ornaments as fun and practical gifts at Christmastime. They were such a big hit we made some more in heart shapes for Valentine's Day. Hang them in your backyard trees and let the bird-watching begin!
Aren't these a cute way to decorate your backyard trees? Two ingredients and a little patience with one batch will result in six two-inch ornaments.
Unflavoured gelatin is the secret ingredient that binds the birdseed together and then hardens into the form of your cookie cutter shapes. This is a fun project for kids to be involved in.
Once the the mixture has been pressed into molds, poke a straw through to make a hole for twine or ribbon so they can be hung from branches.
See more photos and detailed instructions on the blog and have fun making these fun and practical gifts.
Andrea | Personally Andrea
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