Found On the Side of the Road Vintage Waterskis

Dunham Design Company
by Dunham Design Company
30 Minutes
My sisters in law found these great waterskis on the side of the road for me
I kept them for about a year walking past them an wondering What am I going to do with these?

A wine rack of course.
While out thrifting I found these bicycle water bottle holders and thought, Yep! This will work.
The angle of the metal was wrong for the wine bottles, so I disassembled them.
I screwed just the rubber and plastic peices to the ski
And now you have an instant wine rack.
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  • Orchidmg Orchidmg on May 01, 2016
    How do you keep the ski from falling over? Is it attached to the wall?
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  • Melissa V Melissa V on Aug 19, 2017

    What neat things did you do with the rest of the skiis? You know how many beachside resaurants would like those...unfortunately we just through ours away. 😹

  • Dunham Design Company Dunham Design Company on Aug 19, 2017

    Thank you.  I made bow ties out of a lot of the small pieces for a wedding party,

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