Tips on growing Lilacs.

by Dan330
With their lush blooms and deeply floral fragrance, lilacs are a harbinger of summer in the northern garden. Lilacs are easy to grow and can serve a variety of purposes in the garden. For the best flowers, plant lilacs in full sun (6 to 8 hours a day) and in well-drained soil. Lilacs perform really well in slightly alkaline soils. They need ample water, about an inch of water per week. Lilacs should be given adequate space—usually 5 or more feet between plants—to grow to their full size. To find more detailed information go to: and don't forget to follow me on Hometalk.
A favorite springtime flower that comes in several shades of purple and white.
Lilacs make great centerpieces and they have a wonderful fragrance.
Common lilac. Easy to grow and a great addition to northern gardens.
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3 of 15 comments
  • Corby Corby on Apr 13, 2015
    Anyone know how to get the blooms back after trimming them at the wrong time?
    • Hollye Ann Grijalva Hollye Ann Grijalva on Jul 01, 2015
      @Corby I have the same situation. I am not sure if I trimmed them at the proper time either. Each season the plant does sprout new leaves however it has never bloomed again. Can't wait to see if you get answer.
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  • Frances Hayden Frances Hayden on Dec 12, 2015
    I love lilacs but haven't been able to get them to bloom in my Southern garden.