Outdoor Decor

Melody Drinkwater Wagner
by Melody Drinkwater Wagner
2 Materials
1 Hour

Decorating with yellow and red outdoors

Decorating with yellow and red outdoors.

I also painted the lawn chair, side table, and potted plants. Also I began to paint the canopy swing frame black but thought, "How bout no Scott?" LOL I kept it white. I also added a toddler swing I purchased from Clemswshop on Etsy. Sun yellow with cut out hearts. $65.00 + $16.00 S&H. Homemade by Clem. I added yellow & red faux flowers. Preeeee! icon

Painted address numbers on the pillow. Faux yellow & red flowers next to it. In my front yard next to the maple tree. My favorite place to sit...ok, I have 2 favorite places to sit. Here and my back patio. icon

Suggested materials:
  • Toddler swing   (Clemswshop on Etsy)
  • Sunbeam yellow paint   (Walmart)
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2 of 9 comments
  • Vanessa Vanessa on Jun 06, 2015
  • Melody Drinkwater Wagner Melody Drinkwater Wagner on Jun 08, 2015
    @Vanessa Oh Thank You! This year I'm changing all my red n yellow outdoor décor to teal/robins egg blue decor, (my house is teal/or a robin's egg blue), white furniture, black lanterns, and sheer white curtains. I'm finishing up some touches but here's a peek.............I'll post the rest of the photos when I'm done!
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