Nutty Fruit Birdseed Hanging Ornaments

by Teri
The birds just love these and they also make great gifts. They are easy to make and a fun craft project.
· 1/2 cup water· 3 tablespoons corn syrup· 3/4 cup flour· 1/4 oz unflavored gelatin· 4 cups bird seed· Small pan· Spoon· Whisk· Medium bowl· Small molds· Waxed paper and cookie cutters· Cooking spray· Drinking straw or skewer
o 1
Combine water and corn syrup in a small pan.Stir over medium heat until the mixture comes just to a boil. Remove from heatand stir in unflavored gelatin until the gelatin is dissolved.
o 2
Add flour, whisking the mixture as you slowlypour in the flour. Continue whisking until the combination is smooth andthoroughly combined. The mixture should have the consistency of brownie batter.If it is too thick, stir in a teaspoon of water at a time until the mixturereaches the right consistency.
o 3
Measure bird seed into a medium mixing bowl.Pour the corn syrup mixture over the bird seed and stir gently. Make sure allof the bird seed is coated with the corn syrup mixture.
o 4
Spray small molds, such as muffin tins orcandy molds, with cooking spray. Spoon the bird seed mixture into the molds. Ifyou do not have molds, coat waxed paper with cooking spray. Pour the mixtureonto the waxed paper and press it down into a two-inch-thick layer. Cut outshapes using cookie cutters.
o 5
Poke a hole at the top of each bird seedornament using a drinking straw or skewer. Allow the ornaments to dry for threeto four hours. If they were dried in molds, turn them out onto waxed paper. Ifthey were dried on waxed paper, flip them over. Allow the ornaments to finishdrying overnight. Tie ribbon or raffia through the holes and hang the ornamentson a tree.
Put mixture in molds and stick straw into them for hole.
Take straw out and thread with ribbon or string.
Put back in frig. until you use them or give them as gift.
Frequently asked questions
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  3 questions
  • Albertmay Albertmay on Feb 23, 2017
    Do these hold up in the rain? I've tried similar recipes that dissolved in the rain
  • Corina Corina on Jul 19, 2017

    hi corn syrup has only just started showing up in Australia however where i live it will be years before i can get hold of any so is it essential, what does it do can i replace it with something else


  • Jodee Helm Jodee Helm on Feb 23, 2020

    do the birds need a little perch or something to land on to eat the seeds or is it more of a fly by snack?

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5 of 21 comments
  • Laura Myers Laura Myers on Sep 17, 2018

    I'm going to try this. Thanks! What does the flour do in the recipe? It seems like the corn syrup and gelatin would be enough to hold it together.

    • Laura Myers Laura Myers on Sep 17, 2018

      I think they came out great! I'm going to let them dry overnight and hang in the morning. My only change is I used two pkgs of gelatin because I was doing a wreath as well as ornaments.

      comment photo
  • Laura Myers Laura Myers on Sep 17, 2018

    I think they came out great! I'm going to let them dry overnight and hang in the morning. My only change is I used two pkgs of gelatin because I was doing a wreath as well as ornaments.
