How to Make a Pretty Set of Hooks With Authentic Barn Board
I collected a few pieces of beautiful, authentic barn board some time ago from my parents’ farm and it took me a really long time to figure out what to do with them…
One ended up as a sign to use in pictures for my sister’s gorgeous old-world-style wedding.
I used another piece to make my DIY painted flower box. (Which you can check out right, here!)

That left me with one final piece from the farm, and after a while, I finally came up with the perfect idea – a pretty set of hooks… you know, for hanging stuff! Like hats and purses… or even Christmas stockings!

I knew that I wanted to use antique-like glass or china knobs for my hooks, but they were a little challenging to find at the time that I was trying to complete the project. However now-a-days, these pretty antique-like knobs are a lot more popular and can be found at just about any crafting or home décor shop.

I played around with the order of my hooks until I liked what I saw. Then I measured and marked on my barn board so that they would be evenly spaced and level! 

This was a really simple and quick project to devise… Once I had actually dreamed up and designed it first, that is!
[Psst! Want to check out more projects?! Come over and check out The Project Pile!]
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Lenore Lenore on Jul 30, 2020

    where did you get the drawer knobs

  • Pamela Pamela on Feb 04, 2021

    How did you hang on the wall? Did you treat the wood with anything?

  • Rosalind BLoome Rosalind BLoome on Aug 12, 2024

    How did you attach the screws to the knobs?

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