What to do with drapery finials?

Pamella Curl
by Pamella Curl
I own a custom drapery shop and one of my suppliers has discontinued a line. I have singles only but don't want to just throw them away. Some ideas ideas I have are hang on the back of a door and use to hang a purse, or create a wall display to hang all your gorgeous puses; use as decorative picture hangers and hang the picture from an attractive chain. Any thing else?
  19 answers
  • Rainebow Rainebow on Dec 18, 2017

    Is that a type of hook? Decorative coat-hang or towel-hang ... many things can be stored on a hook especially the decorative knobby types

  • Ann Cherkas Halstead Ann Cherkas Halstead on Dec 18, 2017

    Attach to the lids of jars to make fancy storage containers. Also. Paint a board. Take the finials off the rods and attach like finials to the board. You can hang jewelry or scarves. I used knobs for this one. But same idea.

    comment photo
  • Dianacirce70 Dianacirce70 on Dec 18, 2017

    Tower or coat racks. I'll take them off your hands! I love them! :)

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Dec 18, 2017

    I would donate them to a shelter or Habitat for Humanity

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Dec 18, 2017

    Someone who makes handmade canes / walking sticks could use them for the top. To make supports for houseplants.

  • Emily Emily on Dec 18, 2017

    with the long piece cut off and finial glued to a cork they would make great bottle stoppers.

  • Ellis Ellis on Dec 18, 2017

    Take a nice piece of wood and put a few finials in a row, like coat hooks, to hang things, and mount the wood on a wall or the back of a door. Choose finials that will complement each other, though of course they won't match.

  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Dec 18, 2017

    Put the ideas on display. As well, people love a good sale.

  • Castrang17 Castrang17 on Dec 18, 2017

    Sell online.

  • RC Leach RC Leach on Dec 19, 2017

    Sell them to crafters, or people who like off-beat things, like me. Put a reasonable price on them, and they will sell! Put them in a box on the counter with a price per ea. on it. Let your employees sell them, and use the proceeds for a party. (after hours, of course!) Donate them to a non-profit, that expresses an interest in them. If you have at least 2 alike, I would use one on each side of a garden gate, for a whimsical look. Someone, somewhere can use them, or at least one or two of them!

  • Pat Ruge Pat Ruge on Dec 19, 2017

    I do a lot of bottle art and use them as toppers. I have about 20 of them in my stash for future works. I also use the poles to hold some glass flower art in the garden. Here is but one example. I especially love the glass jewel-line ones. I will say that I generally pay about $1/per at garage sale. As a crafter, I, personally would save everyone of them for future art.


  • 17335038 17335038 on Dec 19, 2017

    Oh no, do not throw them out! How many do you actually have? Many homes have windows that are singular, and also these styles of rods with the pretty ends make nice looking towel bars on a long wall in a bathroom. If you do not want to put the time into trying to sell them them, either donate them to a thrift store, as others have suggested, or just post an ad on Kijiji under Free Items.

  • Julie M.  Coppernoll Julie M. Coppernoll on Dec 19, 2017

    I glue them to a stake of some kind and put them outside where the sun shines. They look like beautiful flowers. Or.....you could sell or give them to me! Lol!

  • Jennifer Jennifer on Dec 19, 2017

    All of the ideas mentioned are great but one everyone missed is ... SEND them all to me

    No but really you could use them to hang plants outside or hang pot/pans from them just don't throw them away!

  • Cal30290396 Cal30290396 on Dec 19, 2017

    I would be glad to make walking sticks out of them?

  • Kim Kim on Dec 22, 2017

    I was at a cool shop the other day -

    they had a bunch of them in a pretty bowl on the counter for sale... $7! I’m a home organizer always looking for ways to repurpose pretty much everything. The tips above are great ones. Thanks y’all!

  • Susan Shea Susan Shea on Dec 27, 2017

    Perfect just as they are as garden art. Put 3/5 in a triangle into the ground at different heights!