Asked on May 30, 2018

How can I make an electric pole “go away” in my landscaping?

We live in N. Texas, the “concrete capital of the world” And we are building our house on raw land. I’ve tackled all of the weeds, brought in topsoil and we are planting bermuda grass seed, added mulch, crepe myrtles, and used the native limestone to line our drive. Then there is this unsightly pole—right in plain view. Yuck!!! Any ideas y’all???
  24 answers
  • Brendan Bowe Brendan Bowe on May 30, 2018

    plant a clemitas at its base n watch it disappear

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on May 30, 2018

    Can you paint it or won't the utility company let you? Because first thought was a tree but that can hinder getting an emergency vehicle to it for repairs,then I thought a vine but once again that won't work becsuse, well it's a vine and can put added weight onto wires. That area by me would be owned by the company or municipality so I would personally if I had to I would plant a tree on my property that will grow wide not necessarily tall and please for goodness sakes have it thinned out and maintain it professionally. So many people think that a tree doesn't need care and just don't bother with them and that isn't true. They are an investment and part of your garden just like you tend to your garden someone needs to take care of the tree. Sorry it's just that so many people do this and then wires come down and it's so dangerous. I'm originally from Chicago then I moved to a suburb and a tree came down thank goodness it just took out our one patio fence. Let me add that we were in a town home so it was on common ground and I had complained and fought for them to do something for years. So I'm very passionate about this because boy they sure are deceiving in height. Darn thing covered entire intersection. Had it come our way several homes would have come down and lives lost. So fight for paint if possible. Or you know it may just stick out now because you just started your gardening once green grass comes in and other plants it may not be as bad as it now. So maybe you should wait and see how much of an eyesore it is, and if you find that you truly hate it then drive around and see how others have dealt with this issue. Will you see it out front or in back? If out front then that's normal if in back in middle of yard that's different and I mean odd different. Well good luck and I still think you should wait because we don't go around looking up but rather at our eyes it height so anything 6 ft like a trellis should suffice. But try to detract attention not draw attentionso only a trellis if you absolutely hate it.

    • See 2 previous
    • Anne Zellner Pettijohn Anne Zellner Pettijohn on May 31, 2018

      Thank you for the ideas!

  • Kelly-n-Tony Kelly-n-Tony on May 30, 2018

    Like caretakerbren mentioned climbing plants are amazing on poles- clematis, ivy, etc. Or if you're allowed in your town paint the pole- I've seen some cute ones. Google painted power pole.

  • Missy Burch Missy Burch on May 30, 2018

    Talk to the utility company before doing anything crazy. You could be in deep trouble if you alter it.

  • Linda Linda on May 30, 2018

    After you have utility company blessing. A photo with an idea attached. Good luck

    comment photo
  • Linda Linda on May 30, 2018

    one idea if utility doesnt object. Good luck

    comment photo
  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Jun 02, 2018

    I don't know about Texas, but where I live you can't do anything with existing utility poles. They belong to the utility company.

    • Anne Zellner Pettijohn Anne Zellner Pettijohn on Jun 02, 2018

      This one is actually right in the middle of our land that we are developing and we paid several thousand to bring electricity out here. Probably if I planted long grasses or something around it, if the electric company had to ever access it, they wouldn’t “be kind” to my plants but I doubt they can stop me from putting plants around the base of it, so long as the pole is accessible. Thanks!😃

  • Elizabeth Dion Elizabeth Dion on Jun 02, 2018

    I’d plant a morning glory on it, or an ivy

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Jun 08, 2018

    Just plant some pretty bushes around it and leave it - don't paint it, it will only bring more attention to it!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 31, 2022

    Grow a tree in front of it, or make a feature of it, Hide it with a trellis around it with a door as access for maintenance. Ask if it could be moved, but expect to pay the cost of doing it! You could also add an arched trellis right across your frontage and hide it that way or maybe grow something up it?????

  • Mogie Mogie on Aug 16, 2023

    Paint it the same color as the trees behind it.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Aug 17, 2023

    Pampas grass grows tall and you could plant so it would form a circle around it with a gap for access. Plant the pampas grass in pots because it is invasive.

  • Plant climbing vines around the base.

  • Deb K Deb K on Oct 09, 2023

    Hello Anne, hope this helps. Some fabulous ideas!

  • Plant climbing vines around it.

  • Janice Janice on Nov 16, 2023

    Paint it black and watch it disappear! I'm serious. it will blend into the landscape....

  • Mogie Mogie on Nov 16, 2023

    Paint it the same color as the trees behind it. In some areas you can paint the bottom part up to the serial and pole number. Anything past that is illegal. Call you local electric company and ask them before you paint anything.

  • Betsy Betsy on Nov 25, 2023

    Hi Anne: If it's a utility pole, there's not much you can do except plant some bushes or small trees around it, but not too close so that the repairmen can get to it. You may even plant flowers around it, leaving several paths to the pole for access.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 26, 2023

    Maybe ask for permission to paint it like a Tiki Pole. You could plant or fix a screen around it and plant up it, leaving access for authority if required. As if it could be re-located?

  • I see you’ve said you’ve paid for the pole but it still may be considered the utility‘s property as technically you’ve paid for the service to be run, not necessarily for pole ownership as the power is attached to it. I’d still double check with the utility first before doing anything as it’s their job to maintain it.