DIY dog fence suggestions?

by Dgblount
We need to fence in part of our large yard for our dogs. Money is tight and my husband has a bad back, so we need something fairly thrifty and not very physically hard. Just want to be able to let dogs run in our yard (not the neighborhood).

  9 answers
  • Gk Gk on Jun 06, 2018

    Buy some green snow fence and conduit. You can pound the conduit into the ground and then attach the snow fence with plastic electrical wire ties. We actually did this to keep our big dogs out of newly planted grass seed for a few weeks. It worked well.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jun 06, 2018

    I got some used chain link fence to help my disabled client have a real yard for his pit bull. Sometimes you see it on Craigslist, or put a post up on Freecycle, or if you see someone taking it down - ask..... I got enough to do 2 yards when the local nursing home changed theres for something more pretty. Also sometimes when construction has chain link around a building site, they sell it real cheap towards the end of the project.

    The other one I like is the old door fence, it can be very creative....[]=fence%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=from%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=old%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=doors%7Ctyped

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 06, 2018

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 06, 2018

    You could get the metal pound in stakes with the height you need. Put up any kind of fencing you need, if it doesn't come in the height you need, just put another layer on top. I attached ours around the garden with twisted wire or zip ties and they hold wonderfully. I had to make mine eight foot high because two of our dogs can flat foot jump into the garden with four foot that I started with. I still had enough left over to put a top four foot layer to keep them out and not loose half my green beans again just because a squirrel was running the outside of the fence.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Jun 06, 2018

    We were in the same condition. We got wire from home improvement (by the foot) and T posts. It worked great, but looked ugly. Then we ordered sleeves for the posts and the caps came with it, but we ordered nicer caps for the front. We love it! People have stopped to ask us what we did to put up our fence for under $200. Here is photo:

    comment photo
  • Candy Candy on Jun 06, 2018

    Get some pallets (free) from local stores and start there.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jun 06, 2018

    Until we had a chain link fence, we used a roll of wire fencing with metal posts that we bought at Home Depot. We made our own gate with a simple frame and stapled some of the wire to it. We used a bicycle lock to keep the gate secure. So simple that my husband and I put it up in an afternoon. We then got a chain link fence that was used at a later date.

  • Dgblount Dgblount on Jun 06, 2018

    Lots of great ideas, thank you!