Air conditioner desguise from inside the house

by Amanda
Our air conditioners are both right outside one of our living room windows. The old units sat below the window, so they were less visible, but the new ones are taller and sit above the window sill a few inches. The room is already lacking in a decent amount of natural light, so I don’t want to block much of the window or limit air flow around the units. Any ideas?
(Also, the water spicket is between the units, so I still have to be able to get between them.)
  18 answers
  • Dana Mason Dana Mason on Jun 19, 2018

    Possibly a small picket fence between the window and the unit. Just tall enough to disguise the unit. Then you could add a birdhouse, bird feeder, or decorative item to the top of the fence.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 19, 2018

    You do not have enough room between the windows and the air conditioner units to put something between them that wouldn't restrict the air flow. Perhaps you can put something like the window clings on the lower part of the windows to disguise it.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 19, 2018

    I agree with Nancy about putting or applying something to the inside bottom half of your window.

  • Joy Elizabeth Joy Elizabeth on Jun 19, 2018

    Is there any soil back there? Maybe a trellis, hopefully that would still allow air flow? You could try a vine that tolerates some shade like clematis to grow on it and block some of the view.

  • Cindy Cindy on Jun 19, 2018

    I would put a panel of lattice to block the view. Air can still get thru it. Then plant something that would climb the lattice. You mentioned that you have limited natural light. A remedy for that is to hang a large mirror opposite the window. It makes the room look bigger and brighter.

  • Joanne lueke Joanne lueke on Jun 20, 2018

    Your best bet is a window cling. You can get one that is a frosted look, cut it into a stripe high enough to hide the top of the air conditioner, then use the rest to cut a few more stripes and place them a little higher that the lower one. This will remove the view of the offender but still allow sunlight and a view out the window.

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Jul 06, 2018

    First off, use a different installer next time. An AC should never be placed immediately outside of a window nor that close to a water source. It would not pass inspection in most municipalities.

    Secondly, I just saw a post today on this site for adding privacy to a glass shower surround. I think the same technique would work here. I'll look for the post and link it.

    • See 1 previous
    • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Jul 06, 2018

      I've been in the HVAC business for more than a decade myself and we have to have every one inspected. When doing a retro, we often have to reposition the new unit, run new lineset and electrical. Close to the furnace is ideal, but not always feasible. Check out Hvac talk forum. You will probably really enjoy it!

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Jul 06, 2018

    Here's the shower door link. I think you could do this just on the quarter of the glass

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Jul 06, 2018

    Lattice fencing would work nicely

  • Ann48742136 Ann48742136 on Jun 24, 2020

    It seems to me that you could make a small extension or roof to protect your air conditioner from other debris and rain. Last year we purchased the same air conditioner on which helped us choose one of the best air conditioners on the online market. In the courtyard we made a special place for this device and built a small roof fenced with a grid. We have two small children and therefore they should not go to the air conditioners. If you ever need high-quality and good air conditioners, then you definitely should look at this platform

  • Encoupejas Encoupejas on Jul 19, 2020

    I like your version very much. The way you installed the air conditioners under the window looks quite interesting and I think I'll try it next week as well. Once we decided to install portable air conditioners at home and looked at several options for Easy Cool Breeze. This service was recommended to us for a long time, but recently we decided to try it. The quality that we got really pleased us because they worked so well that we were surprised by it. If you are looking for a solution that requires immediate attention I recommend this service

  • Pat Pat on Jul 19, 2020

    How about shades on your windows that go bottom to top? That would hide the air conditioner units and let light in at the top. You could put drapes on the sides to finish off the windows if you wanted,

  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 19, 2020

    Love the idea of using blinds that go up the window.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 23, 2024

    Putting a cling to the window pane would solve your problem, get 1 that allows the light to come through and yet block the a/c units.

  • Dee Dee on May 24, 2024

    From what I see there is not enough room to put anything around the units. You will not get the proper air flow and you will blow up the units. I would do something inside the house. I like the idea of using window film. Or just put a sofa or piece of furniture in front.

  • Hi Amanda! You can check out this article on how to hide your air conditioner. Hope this helps!