How do I make a tunnel for my cats?

by Heather

This foam padding my cats already love since I brought it into house and I wanna a Tunnel thing for them to climb into and sure they'll lay on top of it too!Ok maybe I will or won't use the foam, but they like going inside the foam rolls I have couple go inside and lay down. Anyway there this cat toy thing from my cat from hell Jackson Galaxy made like a bag and a tunnel thing just like to know how to make a version myself!

  6 answers
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Aug 28, 2018

    Heather, I’m not sure you can make sure cats will do anything, but you have a good start here. I think a short piece of a big PVC pipe would work, with the foam wrapped around it. You could untie the foam to wash it, and the cats would have the pipe as a tunnel. They might even get it rolling. Looks like fun to me. ☺️

  • Shui Shui on Aug 28, 2018

    maybe insert some pvc piping in the middle

  • Patti Nicholas Patti Nicholas on Aug 28, 2018

    A less expensive and more eco-friendly version would be to use a concrete form tube. They are made of heavy cardboard and are actually what is used for the base of many of the cat trees and scratching posts. They come in various sizes from a few inches to over a few feet in diameter so would be the perfect size. If you didn’t want to permanently attach the foam you could use Velcro to keep it tightly wrapped. I would probably make a pillowcase type cover for the foam and Velcro it tightly stretched around the tube. Then make an additional cover that would also Velcro on so that i wouldn’t always have to remove the whole thing to wash. You could even wrap sections of it in sisal rope to make a scratching area or hang toys inside at the entrances.

  • Cheryl Cheryl on Aug 28, 2018

    instead of thinking round tunnel, what about a ramp with some clamp on or velcro on covers. I'd try it out first, make the ramp, maybe find a long cardboard box to attach and see if they like the tunnel first. You could make fabric tunnels by creating a frame over the ramp and securing fabric over it . You need to be able to get into it to retrieve a cat or any unwanted 'treasures" they leave in the tunnel. For destination, you could stack some crates or boxes, old bookcase, etc, and place that comfy foam on top. (?)

  • Heather Heather on Aug 28, 2018

    Ok maybe I will or won't use the foam, but they like going inside the foam rolls I have couple go inside and lay down. Anyway there this cat toy thing from my cat from hell Jackson Galaxy made like a bag and a tunnel thing just like to know how to make a version myself!

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  • Lana Hassell Lana Hassell on Aug 29, 2018

    Your kitties are going to eventually destroy that foam by scratching on it. My kitties love to claw on foam like that. It is soft and they love the feel of it. Maybe you could cover it and make them some beds and/or pillows.😺💖

    • Heather Heather on Aug 29, 2018

      Yea was figuring that out! Just thought there could be something I could do with that! Anyway!