Asked on Jul 20, 2014

What kind of plant

Bonnie Bassett
by Bonnie Bassett
Transplanted this unusual plant from the woods last year along with a daylily I do not know the name of it and I could not identify it by going on google to wildflowers.The flowers are shaped like tails
what is the name of this plant ?
  18 answers
  • Chris aka monkey Chris aka monkey on Jul 20, 2014
    i think it is called scorpion tail xx
  • Carole Carole on Jul 21, 2014
    Over here it is illegal to take plants from their natural habitat. You can however, take cuttings or collect seeds. There are heavy fines if you are caught. This is to protect the natural environment.
    • See 3 previous
    • Bonnie Bassett Bonnie Bassett on Jul 21, 2014
      @Carole there are some protected species here such as lady slippers and May flowers
  • Barb Rosen Barb Rosen on Jul 21, 2014
    Your plant is Gooseneck Loosestrife, Bonnie. (The name references the way the flowers bend like a goose head) And, for the record, I have been known to take starts of plants along a roadside myself! This plant can be invasive, so put it where it won't crowd others and keep it in check. Here is more information for you :
    • Bonnie Bassett Bonnie Bassett on Jul 21, 2014
      @Barb Rosen It is very unique but I was afraid of it being invasive because it has already doubled or tripled from when I plannted it last summer I think I will move it from its location thnk you for the information !
  • Judy Grecco Judy Grecco on Jul 21, 2014
    It is Gooseneck Loosestrife and it will take over your entire garden, you may want to move it to an area that it can take over.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jul 21, 2014
    It is most certainly gooseneck loosestrife (Lysimachia clethroides) and it is a garden thug of the first order. I consider planting it one of the biggest mistakes I made in my Hudson Valley garden.
    • Bonnie Bassett Bonnie Bassett on Jul 21, 2014
      @Douglas Hunt Oh no !!!! I am going to move it to another location quickly ! It is probably already growing up in the middle of my hosta !
  • Three Dogs in a Garden Three Dogs in a Garden on Jul 21, 2014
    I concur with the other commenters. This is a problem plant that spreads uncontrolled, and even though it is pretty, I would get rid of it.
    • See 2 previous
    • Carole Carole on Jul 23, 2014
      @Three Dogs in a Garden Hi, we mulched most of the area of the garden that we fenced off or for the dog. It is quite a large area and the mulch was from the pine trees we had taken down and also some mulch from gum trees. Yesterday, I cut down a Cootamundra Wattle tree. It was a very pretty little tree and the birds love it - therein lies the problem. When it puts on seed pods, the birds eat the seeds and spread them. This tree is native to Australia but not from this area and apparently it sets nitrogen in the soil to the detriment of the local plant species. It also has a very high germination rate from dropped seeds. We have a bigger one to take out, which we may tackle on the weekend. I feel awful cutting it down but if it is a weed and not good for the local bushland, it has to go.
  • GG GG on Jul 21, 2014
    Since it is invasive, how about making a very large container garden for it?
  • Familyfirst Familyfirst on Jul 21, 2014
    Gooseneck, aka loosestrife. Get rid of it or contain it. Have been trying to for 5 years. Its a major runner and will suffocate your good plants. However It is great if you have an area that you need something strong and don't care about invasion, i.e. creek bed, un-mowable hill. I compare it to BAMBOO---
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jul 21, 2014
    Could you put it in a large container pot? This way it is confined unless it also spreads by seeds. Sure is pretty.
  • Tracy Gilmore Tracy Gilmore on Jul 22, 2014
    its pretty invasive or not, think i would prefer that to my bramble
  • Bonnie Bassett Bonnie Bassett on Jul 24, 2014
    well I took the advice of getting it out of my garden hopefully not to late ! I did not want to get rid of it so I transplanted it to an area by itself with quite a bit of area around it ....see what happens if it spreads to far and fast I will move it to a field next to my house .
    • See 3 previous
    • Bonnie Bassett Bonnie Bassett on Jul 29, 2014
      @Douglas Hunt Wow Doug who knew ? well I will definitely not transplant into our field ! It will remain all alone for the time being I wish they would take back some of these bugs like the Japanese Beetles and another newer one that is destroying trees . The Japanese Beetles are out now but not as many as previous summers . The area of woods that I took this plant and the Daylily from had a lot of other garden type plants like hydrangea's cone flowers and Rhodeys as though someone had started planting things there at one time
  • Bonnie Bassett Bonnie Bassett on Jul 24, 2014
    ty everyone for your advice
    comment photo
  • Christine Christine on Jul 29, 2014
    I made the mistake of planting spiderwort when the heat actually killed the loosestrife. Boy, I wasn't sorry about that plant dying. I am not certain, but I think it's on the Do Not Plant list in the state of MD. Ah well. Anyway spiderwort (4 varieties) have proved to be far more invasive as a root and seed spreading plant. My whole point is that spiderwort is another, similarly sized plant to avoid. Glad you moved this stuff.
  • Mareline S Mareline S on Sep 10, 2014
    Mine has spread, any ideas how to remove this plant, it seems to also reseed.
    • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Sep 10, 2014
      @Mareline S Paint the leaves with a foam brush dipped in undiluted herbicide containing glyphosate.
  • Carol Dombros Carol Dombros on Oct 22, 2014
    I use it in a damp contained area as a groundcover - it's too pretty to get rid of!
  • Peg Peg on Mar 25, 2015
    it can be invasive to small gardens. Many plant vendors sell it though.
  • Joyce Holster Joyce Holster on May 31, 2018

    Please review the definition of invasive. Many plants are very vigorous or form large monoculture. These are not necessarily 'Invasive' by,definition. Key compone t to bring invasive is it is not native. No native plants can be invasive, only vigorous.

  • Liron alterovich Liron alterovich on Mar 27, 2022

    I don’t know how it came to my garden. But I’m trying to git rid of it. And it’s impossible. Any suggestions? There are many roots all over my garden