How do I get rid of ants?

Marya Ricks
by Marya Ricks

What are natural ways to get rid of ants/anthill?

  9 answers
  • Lisa Lisa on Mar 22, 2019

    Put whole Basil leaves wherever the ants are. They don't like the scent.

  • Pamela Pamela on Mar 22, 2019

    Look into trying diatomaceous earth , it is an all natural product that has tons of uses , indoors and outdoors !

  • Oliva Oliva on Mar 22, 2019

    Watch for ant activity.

    Place a long stick into the anthill, while maintaining a safe distance from the opening.

    Pour a kettle of boiling water directly into the entrance point of the ant hill. Repeat if needed.

  • Hi Marya - Those little buggers are relentless, aren't they?!? This is the most effective method and all-natural spray DIY that we use with ants. Hope this helps! Hugs, Holly

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Mar 24, 2019

    Oooh! I love this question! Decades ago I had a home with carpenter ants. The exterminators had already been there twice - meanwhile, I had 2 toddlers, a dog, and a cat. I did not like this at all!

    While visiting Boston we stopped in a coffee shop and I looked through my first exposure to The Mother Earth News. Voila! A DIY recipe for ants!

    As soon as I got home I made my recipe: 50/50 mix of Borax and table sugar. I made a visit to my local Chinese restaurant and got the help I wanted to keep the mix away from said pets and short people. They kindly donated about half a dozen small take-out containers.

    I poked holes about 1/8-1/4" up from the bottom all around the edges on the containers. I poured some Ant Killer Recipe in each container. Placed the containers as recommended: near wet areas, under sinks, behind toilet and where I saw the ant activity.

    Voila! Killed of the ants! This eats through their exoskeleton, poisons the trail they walk on, kills by ingestion and they then feed the dead to the nursery. All in all, it kills of the entire colony. Works every time on all types of ants I've tried it on.

  • Karen | Decor Hint Karen | Decor Hint on Mar 25, 2019

    I second the borax solution - just be careful your pets and kids don’t get into it

  • Here is a helpful guide for that.