painting glass

Daniela N
by Daniela N
this is an easy project to use up extra paint you have, and give a new life to a glass vase! put some paint in the vase and swirl it around. let it dry. more info at the link below
leftover paint
original glass vase before painting
drain extra paint
I used the same paint as the wall
Daniela N
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2 of 10 comments
  • BevTexas BevTexas on Mar 21, 2016
    Great job. I think I'd make a lamp out of it.
  • MM MM on May 09, 2016
    That is what I did to these bottles that had originally held kombucha from the grocery store. Then I hot glued some Amber stones that I had, around the rim. I stuck those pussy willows in them a couple of days ago, that I bought from the farmers market (haven't taken off the elastics or arranged them yet heheh)
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