Can I paint my green kitchen tile floor?

by Coleen
  6 answers
  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Oct 13, 2019

    You can paint but a temporary fix. Will eventually peel but buy you time to save up for replacement. Personally I would just put down an area rug.

  • Janice Janice on Oct 13, 2019

    Hi Coleen, you didn't mention whether your tile floor is ceramic or vinyl, but in either case, YES, you can paint it. Here's some instructions. Main thing is to seal it well afterwards. Hope this helps!

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Oct 13, 2019

    Hi Coleen,

    Here's an article with several ideas about painting a design on a tile or linoleum floor. Click on the link for each project for directions. Of course, you don't have to actually paint a design. You can paint it a solid color. In that case, check out any of the paint designs for the basics. Preparation is the key to success here and it's best to use a paint designed for floors. Other than that, it's a process. Sand, clean, prime, paint, seal. That may sound like a lot of steps, but if you want the floor to last longer it's the best way to go. It's also a good idea to give the floor an extra coat of sealer every year or so. That helps protect it even longer. Wishing you the best.

  • Emily Emily on Oct 13, 2019

    Yes, you can. Even if they are ceramic.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Oct 14, 2019

    Hi Yes you can paint your floor if they are ceramic. You will just need a sealer over the paint that is made for floors.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Sep 02, 2022

    This is a wonderful tutorial showing you how to paint your tile floor: