Five Minute Accent Wall

Ashleigh Sommer
by Ashleigh Sommer
4 Materials
5 Minutes

-Have a wall in your house and want to spice it up but don't have much time!? No worries grab four materials, five minutes of your day and you got yourself a fun, effortless accent wall!-

Step One - Grab your paint!

Choose your paint color - simple as that!

You really don't need much paint for this! I just used some paint that was left in my garage from the previous owners. A paint sample would be more than enough!

Step Two - Grab some cardboard

Grab your cardboard and cut it to your desired length

Step Three - Stamp, Stamp, Stamp!

Simple as that! I did 4-6 stamps with each dip into the paint before re-dipping. Don't forget to scrape off the excess paint onto the side of your container. I used a paint roller liner, but any container that's big enough to dip your cardboard flat into will work!

I did measure before I started this, but as I began to stamp I realized it would be easier (for me at least) to just wing it. I don't ever usually measure for doing anything like this, eyeballing it works just fine for me. If you'd like you can measure and mark up your wall before stamping to get more uniform, straight lines. I like that the lines aren't too straight

Step Four - Clean up & Enjoy! :)

I love the look of this very effortless, beachy look accent wall. It goes perfectly with my beach themed bathroom!

The walls in my little Jack & Jill bathroom are grey with a dark green accent wall on the wall by the shower and toilet. I was going to use that same dark green, but decided on using a bright white instead and I'm glad I did! I think it really brightens up the space while adding some texture.

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  2 questions
  • Jeanine Howard Jeanine Howard on Apr 14, 2020

    That is an awesome idea and it turned out great. I wonder if I could cut out a flat shape, how the cardboard would hold up? I will practice first. Thanks for the inspiration! Good job!

  • Ilene Ilene on Apr 11, 2023

    Have you considered doing the soap bubble technique? Practically zero cost. I like the airy feeling; beachy without being obvious. Nice soft beach cottage vibe. Good luck. Ilene

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3 of 11 comments
  • Aimee Aimee on Apr 16, 2020

    What an awesome effect!

  • Ilene Ilene on Apr 19, 2020

    Large bubble bubble wrap. Put dabs of paint on a small section with craft round sponge dabber. Pressed wrap on wall. Repeated the process using same piece. Occasionally wash paint off B/W then back at it. The bottom I did by hand with same round sponge dabber and touched up some others. I will be adding subtle color, randomly, soon. fun project that went fast.

    now in face mask making mode. Stay healthy & safe.

    comment photo
    • Millie Millie on Apr 11, 2023

      I want to add a design to white tables I have. I have a coastal themed cottage. Any ideas using the round sponge brush which I have on adding color to the table. Only supplies I have are brushes and assorted paints.
