How can I use old bricks for landscaping?

  10 answers
  • Recreated Designs Recreated Designs on Jan 04, 2020

    Hi Cheryl,

    Here are a few ideas. Hopefully they will spark some ideas for you...

  • Pamela Pamela on Jan 04, 2020

    Hi ! A winding narrow path through a garden or leading to garden or front door . You can even group several in a pattern and repeat it and use it like stepping stones

    You can use them to section out an herb garden ...

  • on Jan 04, 2020

    I made a "mowing strip" with old bricks around all my garden beds. It's level with the lawn and you can run the lawn mower wheels right on them - saves using the weed whacker for the edges! :)

  • Janice Janice on Jan 04, 2020

    Hi Cheryl, the bricks can be decorative or used to make a path or a small sitting area. Here's an idea or two in the video.

  • Em Em on Jan 04, 2020

    I sunk mine on edge around areas that I planted shrubs and flowers in. Dig a trough the depth of the brick (on it's side) and level them end to end around trees as well. I also have a small hillside and made 3 steps up it with bricks I cut into the hillside and laid them flat.

  • Most definitely! My whole garden is edged in used brick my Dad saved from jobs, the dumps, you name it. When I finally was able to buy a house I cleaned his pile out! LOL I used everything. Broken, cemented, odd sizes - I made walkways, stepping stones, garden paths - even made a patio floor under the front arbor we built. It was like playing Tetris...Made a wooden frame, then used the brick puzzle pieces to complete it. It's now 25+ yrs old and I love it more and more each year. Baby Tears have covered part of it.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 04, 2020

    Hello Cheryl,

    Once bricks are cleaned off, they can be used for many projects in the garden. Lawn Edging, Border Definition, walls,Paths, Planters, Arches, Birdbaths , Sundials, etc........................Enjoy the journey......

  • Here I used them as flower bed edging. Coordinates with existing hardscape on other areas of the property.

    comment photo
  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 05, 2020

    Hi Cheryl, I am not sure how many you have, but they make fantastic paths, or edging for a flower garden! Here's a link with more ideas, hope they help you,

    1. Build a Brick Path.
    2. Create Planters/Candleholders.
    3. Make a Garden Bench.
    4. Make Brick Edging for Garden Beds.
    5. Build a Brick Waterfall.
    6. Build a Birdbath.
    7. Make Colorful Yard Art.