Custom Rustic Window Sign

6 Materials
45 Minutes

Pick up an old glass window from your local thrift store, home improvement salvage store, or family friend and make yourself a custom sign! This is such a versatile project and so easy. These windows are some of my favourite home decor pieces! :)

Best Sharpie pen!

Feeling inspired? Grab a Sharpie pen here to create your own version of this project

To start, you will need the following items:

  • Window with glass panes intact
  • Window cleaner
  • Paper towels
  • Sharpie marker
  • Clear tape
  • Printer and paper

Give your window a good clean with the cleaner and paper towels.

Next, decide on the saying/text you want on the window. I am going to use "Give us this day our daily bread -Matthew 6:11".

Previously, I've done "Silent night, holy night; all is calm, all is bright" and "eet smakelijk" (a Dutch saying).

Print out the words using a Word Document and cut them out. This took me a few tries to get the size of the text just right to fit the window panes nicely.

Lay out the words how you'd like onto the back of the window facing down. Tape them down to hold in place.

Flip the window over and double check that everything is spaced out the way you want.

With your Sharpie marker, start tracing and filling in the text on the window using your templates.

If you need to make a correction, simply use a damp paper towel to wipe the marker off and start again!

This is what my window looks with all the letters traced! I free-handed the bottom line and redid it a few times after taking this photo. Go over the letters again if you need to fill in some spots or want it to look darker.

Peel the papers from the back once you're satisfied with the way it looks.

Find a spot to hang your window and enjoy! I found these blue shutters at a local thrift store and loved the look of them beside this window!

*Side note: I've had permanent marker sit on windows for months at a time, and have no problem getting it off. Simply spray on window cleaner and wipe it off.

Here is another window I did for our home using the same technique! :)

For more ideas and ongoing projects, follow along on Instagram and Facebook!

Insta: @farmhouse.ongunnshill

Facebook: Lauren Ann Design

~Lauren icon

Resources for this project:
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Frequently asked questions
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  3 questions
  • Ruth Minsk Whitehead Ruth Minsk Whitehead on Feb 07, 2020

    I love this and want to do this project but how can I make it permanent? If I clean the window panels after it’s done It will wipe off. Is There anything I can use on top of the markers to seal the text?

  • Larissa Munoz-Crow Larissa Munoz-Crow on Feb 21, 2020

    I love this! May I ask how you hung the window up? I have some and so want to do something like this l but they are so heavy I'm not sure how to hang them!

  • Jody Price Jody Price on Feb 06, 2021

    what do you use to hang the window?

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  • Sylvia Laura Ranyak Sylvia Laura Ranyak on Feb 05, 2021

    Beautiful idea you can also use decal letters which are very inexpensive on

  • Bonnie Jo Bonnie Jo on Jan 23, 2023

    Three years ago I purchased an old window at a flea market and spent the next 30 days painting it. This is how it turned out. I call it Music in a Hippie Garden.

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