Asked on Oct 05, 2020

Update 70’s dining room?

Jane Vargo
by Jane Vargo

Help! I hat can I do to update this room. The furniture is old but in excellent shape. Thought about painting it an antique white but thought I might ruin it. Haven’t hung anything on the walls since I painted it. I love bright light and want to try to bring that into the room???

  15 answers
  • Janice Janice on Oct 05, 2020

    Hi Jane, since your table and chairs are in great shape, I'd not do any painting or distressing. What I would suggest is that you find some beautiful and colorful upholstery fabric and cover the chair seats. IMaybe a small geometric design). It's really easily done. And then find a large piece of artwork for the empty wall, or maybe a decorative mirror to reflect light from the chandelier. I LOVE the curved top cabinet.

  • Instead of painting the entire table, you could paint just the legs and the skirt to lighten it up. You could also paint the chairs. I would add an area rug under the table to 'anchor' it. One way to bring light into a room is using mirrors. A large mirror on one wall will reflect a lot of light. Those are just a few ideas - hope it helped!

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Oct 05, 2020

    Jane: why not start simply? Get a big (great!) piece of artwork at Home Goods.... and while you're there... pick up a rug for under the table. Win!

  • Em Em on Oct 05, 2020

    Paint the hutch and chairs with chalk paint. Fast drying easy to do, and wax them for a little added protection with antiquing wax or clear. Add new seat cushions you can tie on. Get some matching color cushions for the window seat and a valance instead of curtains since you like the light and maybe some sheers.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Oct 05, 2020

    You could chalk paint the table and chairs and also recover the seat cushions if you wanted a more updated color or fabric

    A colorful area rug under the table would make it pop and nice large piece of art work or two on the walls.

  • Morgan McBride Morgan McBride on Oct 05, 2020

    If you change the shades on the chandelier to be no shades or more straight white ones that would look more modern. I'd add a rug too!

  • Mogie Mogie on Oct 05, 2020

    New area rug, under the table, fresh paint, new table runner and new lighting fixture. Those alone will make a huge difference.

    You table and chairs appear to be in great condition so I wouldn't paint those.

    Perhaps painting the legs of the chairs white but that would be soley so they would stand out more against the wood flooring.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Oct 05, 2020

    Add decor to the walls. A colorful runner on the table with place mats will liven it up. Also, your centerpiece seems to blend in so go with something that stands out a bit more. Anchor the table with a rug. I would stay away from painting such a beautiful set unless you don't like it.

  • Definitely start with a large rug under the table and some artwork, I think you'll find that does the trick without a lot of heavy lifting.

  • Change other things in the room itself. Paint the walls, new light fixture and a rug will make everything look better

  • Dee Dee on Oct 06, 2020

    What I would do is go to Kirklands or Home Goods and look for a big piece of art. You could also add an area rug under the table. Maybe change the shades on the light fixture. Or spray paint the light fixture with Rustoleum a brighter color. Change the centerpiece to something bright and cheery. Go to Hobby Lobby and look at their center piece material. I usually change mine with the seasons. Right now have pumpkins and gords, I would not attempt to paint that set. It is very pretty as is.

  • Rymea Rymea on Oct 07, 2020

    Here are two good places to shop for art online. They both have a HUGE selection and frequently run 50% off sales.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Oct 08, 2020

    The dining set is a classic design that that is neither trendy or dated. Although you may know that it was purchased in the 70's, there is no way to identify it specifically to this decade from the photo you posted.

    What needs updating in the room is the light fixture.

    The room overall lacks color and energy. I agree with everyone who has already said purchase a large colorful rug and large colorful artwork for the wall. Recovering the chair seats to pick up the colors in the rug and artwork will integrate the older set with the newer additions in the room.

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  • Suzie 50 Suzie 50 on Oct 13, 2020

    Maybe start with a rug that you love under the table and pull your colors from it? Mismatched colorful pillows on the window seat, maybe a large single light fixture and table runner. The chair cushions can be easily changed along with some curtain panels on the outside edge of the windows. Keep the furniture -its awesome and just paint the walls. And make sure to have fun!