I would love to redo my bedroom suite but it is 1960's Mediterranean

by Sunnybrook
Wow you did a lovely job on this French Provincial dresser. I have an old pecan finish bedroom suite that I have wanted to replace for many many years. The problem of course is funds to replace it. The suite is also sturdy and needs no repairs so it is hard to justify replacing it with something more appealing. Your lovely refinishing made me wonder what I can do with my bedroom set. I do not have an artful imagination, any chance you could give me some ideas?
Pecan finish Meditterranean style. Mirrors removable. Have two night stands and a high chest of drawers. All is circa 1970.
  21 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 17, 2016
    Do you want to paint,or Stain the furniture/
  • KatAych KatAych on Feb 17, 2016
    You could do as much or as little as you want! Fully paint it, sand it and restain it, change out the hardware, trim the panels in a different color, add feet to the cabinet...
  • If you have never painted furniture before, then chalk paint would the easiest for you. I have done dozens of these dresser with glossy enamel. It is time consuming with all the prep work. Chalk paint, not so much. go to Pinterest or search blogs for help.
  • Mary Mary on Feb 18, 2016
    If this were mine I would remove the mirrors and not paint it. Instead I would accessorize with a large mirror with a colorful frame to complement your room or art. Add lamps and accessories to update. Maybe consider changing to a padded tufted headboard and see if it needs more changes.
  • Judy W Judy W on Feb 18, 2016
    I have seen amazing transformations of this type of furniture with paint and a change of hardware. Go on Pinterest and start collecting photos of said re-do's which appeal to you. Pretty soon you'll see that you are drawn towards a particular color or way they were painted and that will help you find what you want to live with, not what someone told you to do. Chalk paint is the easiest to work with, particularly if you are an inexperienced painter but your color selection will be more limited and you will have to settle for a non-glossy finish.
  • Kathy Owen Kathy Owen on Feb 18, 2016
    I would suggest using a good all-in-one latex paint/primer in your favorite color. I would also distress the paint very lightly. Spray paint the original hardware in a contrasting color. Get rid of those two mirrors and get one mirror to hang above the dresser......rectangular in shape....size should be in proportion to the dresser.
  • Marilyn Marilyn on Feb 18, 2016
    The first and easiest thing to do is remove the mirrors and purchase a single large mirror to hang on the wall above the dresser. Try Hobby Lobby or someplace that puts things on sale or routinely has 40% off coupons. The next step is to evaluate the headboard. If it is short, it will date the furniture. A padded headboard or even a bronze metal headboard would be a nice change and would update the bedroom for not a lot of money. I don't think the color of the wood is objectionable. However, if you want to lighten the room, you could find one piece, perhaps the TV stand or a wooden frame chair to paint a nice light color. Painting a complete bedroom set would be very time consuming. I would start small and then if you decide later you want to paint the wood furniture, the mirror and the new headboard would still work. Good luck.
    • Margaret Adamski Margaret Adamski on Feb 18, 2016
      @Marilyn I think black Chalk paint might be better? not quiet sure and mirror. I do agree with you about take off and hang on the wall. Perfect idea.
  • Daw3000588 Daw3000588 on Feb 18, 2016
    Cut off top of mirrors, paint and change hardware. Take trim off of top drawers if possible sand and paint.
  • Ann Ann on Feb 18, 2016
    So many good ideas here! Ahem. Did anyone else notice the friendly smiles on the drawer fronts? lol
    • Sandra Sandra on Feb 19, 2016
      Yes, I noticed that too. It knows it's going to get a makeover. BTW, I have family in White City.
  • S_l2838570 S_l2838570 on Feb 18, 2016
    flip mirrors bottom ends together and paint, use as a floor mirror black or classic white.
  • Kms1812677 Kms1812677 on Feb 18, 2016
    I have a dresser just like this. The first thing I did was take off the mirrors because I wanted to put my dresser in front of the windows in my bedroom. I used the mirrors in other rooms as dressing mirrors...turned them upside down after sanding, priming and painting a matching color on the walls of each bedroom. I did the same thing to the dresser and other pieces of furniture. I also replaced the hardware...what a difference.
  • Debi53 Debi53 on Feb 18, 2016
    Please paint your furniture. You will be so glad you did. I have painted almost every piece in my house. Scour thrift stores for a great mirror that you can paint to go above your dresser and paint your knobs the same color as the mirror. Since you have lived with this dark furniture, go light to breath fresh life into your room. Paint all the pieces a light neutral: white, grey, pale aqua, etc. and paint one piece as a colorful accent. For example: paint just the bed or the nightstand(s) with an accent color. First choose your bed linens and then choose your paint colors from that. Chalk paint is the easiest and quickest.
  • Paticia G Paticia G on Feb 21, 2016
    I painted a bed room set like this and it came out fine.. took 3 coats however to lighten and I then sponged the edges with a muted gold to give it a french provincial look... however when I bought new the old set was to dispose of because several second hand places would not take it because it was painted Good luck
  • Duv310660 Duv310660 on Feb 22, 2016
    It's very heavy in appearance, but would look great in your bright room if it was a lighter colour. You might want to try this technique on a small first, but 1. clean/degrease carefully 2. prime w/ good waterbase primer 3. coat with chalk paint 4. sandlightly w/120-180grit to smooth 5. wax 6. mix half wax & half dark wax and a touch of chalk or acrylic paint, mix well 7. apply wax mix as an antiquing glaze coverin small areas and wiping off as you see fit plying with shadow and use of the piece 8. take cloth with some clear wax and 'buff back' highlights in the dark which is removed by regular wax on your cloth. 9. while you're doing this, step back and regularily view the piece as a whole.
  • Kathy Kathy on Feb 25, 2016
  • Lizzy L Lizzy L on Feb 27, 2016
    Paint it!
  • Cindi Cindi on Feb 27, 2016
    For an easy fix, and change the look some, replace the mirrors with a large mirror attached to the wall, and replace the knobs and handles. If you want a totally new look, paint it. I personally hate painting wood, unless it's in really bad shape, so bought acrylic knobs. It looks great, but then my furniture is black lacquer so not much else you can do, but I love the new look, Still, if you like your furniture, and it's in good shape, and you just want something a little different, you might try that.
  • You could paint or white-wash it.

  • Janice Janice on Feb 21, 2024

    Look through furniture stores to find the type of look you rally like and enjoy. Then transfer the general look to your set; perhaps painting it black and installing new hardware. Maybe lightening it up by painting white with different hardware. Also look through some of the furniture makeovers to get an idea of how much a simple paint change could update it SO much.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Feb 22, 2024

    You could do cream with a brown wax or paint in a bold color like teal. Remove the hardware and if you don't want to spend the money to replace it, use RustOleum hammered paint to update it as well.

  • Dee Dee on Feb 24, 2024

    Paint it gray, or stain it a lighter color. You will have to sand and prime. You can change the handles and knobs too.